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Lin Tao is        honest boy, so we all like him.

A.(不填) B.a C.an D.the
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— Is your brother afraid of the dark?
— Yes. He always goes to sleep with the bedroom light _________.

A.off B.in C.at D.on
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— Have you got the information ________ you need to use for the report?
— Not yet. I’ll try to find some on the Internet at once.

A.that B.who C.when D.where
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The book __     __by the young writer sells well. It is popular among middle school students.

A.was written B.writing C.wrote D.written
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—What can we do to help others?
—We can ______ a food bank to help hungry people.

A.put up B.set up
C.pick up D.show up
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I got to the party late. By the time I arrived, some people ______ home already.

A.went B.would go
C.had gone D.have gone
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—Amanda, you look tired today. What’s wrong?
—I worked______ late ______ I didn’t go to bed until midnight yesterday.

A.too; to B.so; that
C.not only; but also D.such; that
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— How did Jim pass the exam?
—He worked day and night for two months. ______, he passed it.

A.in the way B.by the way
C.on the way D.in this way
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—What did he say just now?
—He asked me______________.

A.when my sister came back
B.when did my sister come back
C.when my sister will come back
D.when my sister comes back
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–It’s raining heavily. Let’s stand under that big tree.
–______________. It’s very dangerous to do so in such weather.

A.We don’t have to B.Let’s go
C.All right D.We’d better not
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Are your parents “helicopters”(直升飞机)? That’s a new term I read about. It means parents who “hover” over(盘旋) their children.They _1     about every little thing in their child’s life: Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Too hot? Too cold? Do you need more books? __2   pens? More anything? More everything?
These  3   love their children and want to 4   that everything in their life is perfect. Some kids may become upset but 5   like being pampered(纵容). The pampered kids like the idea of being waited on hand and foot. They like the idea of not  6   to make decisions.
I don’t think this is a good idea. I think it’s important for kids to do things for   7   . I think it’s important for kids to make decisions. This    8   them grow up. It helps them to   9  an independent(独立的) and responsible(负责任的) person.
   10   can you become independent and responsible? It’s easy, just    11   with little things. You can make your own meals sometimes for help with the cooking. You can also  12   your own bed and clean your room. You can   13   your parents that you can be responsible with money.
Your parents are “helicopter”  14   they love you. So, tell them that you understand and that they really shouldn’t worry. Tell them they can “   15   ” the helicopter because you are a responsible kid.

A.worry B.change C.collect D.bring

A.Many B.Much C.More D.Most

A.children B.parents C.grandparents D.teachers

A.make up B.make sure C.make of D.make from

A.another B.the other C.other D.others

A.talking B.doing C.giving D.having

A.himself B.yourselves C.themselves D.ourselves

A.asks B.decides C.helps D.stops

A.become B.learn C.believe D.develop

A.Why B.When C.How D.What

A.talk B.start C.dream D.finish

A.make B.repair C.sweep D.move

A.teach B.train C.plan D.show

A.so B.because C.but D.though

A.land B.invent C.make D.design

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Developing school skills
Books to help you to become better teachers or better learners
These materials can help both teachers and students of different     levels and grades.

Reading and Language Arts:
Building Your Vocabulary
37 Lessons
Understanding What You Read
43 Lessons
Developing Your Reading Power
70 Lessons
Improving Your Study Skills
79 Lessons
Spelling Rules & Principles
60 Lessons
Review Topics in English
34 Lessons
323 Lessons

•  Lessons with textbooks
•  Activity Sheets
•  Answer Key with Explanations
Here are the lessons for you to choose

Tom needs to improve his study skills. If he takes the lessons, he has to spend ______.

A.$75 B.$100 C.$ 120 D.$ 135

If you want to build your vocabulary, you will take ________lessons.

A.37 B.43 C.60 D.70

The books in the picture are for ___________ to develop school skills.

A.students of lower grades
B.students of different levels
C.both parents and children
D.both teachers and students
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  • 难度:未知

A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for service sounded, the air hostess flew busily. She was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.
In the following hours on the flight, each time the airline hostess passed the passenger she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never paid attention to her. When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the airline hostess to hand him the passengers’ brochure(小册子). She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him. Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and broke a smile, for the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?” That’s right! Who can refuse your twelve sincere smiles from a person?
What did the passenger need when the plane just took off?

A.A booklet to write something.
B.A cup of water to take his medicine.
C.The stewardess to make an apologize.
D.To get off the plane at once.

Why did the air hostess forget to give him the water?

A.Because the passenger was angry.
B.Because the passenger was very cruel.
C.Because she was very busy.
D.Because she was not friendly to the passenger.

The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “sincere” is ________.

A.自豪的 B.婉转的 C.真诚的 D.委屈的

Why was the air hostess very sad?

A.She thought the passenger would write down bad words.
B.She thought she couldn’t give the passenger any help.
C.She thought the passenger would tell her manager.
D.She thought she should say sorry to the passenger again.
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  • 难度:未知

I never wanted a dog, but now I'm so glad I have one. About two years ago, my wife, Cathy, got a little dog with a face only a mother could love. We named her Gertie.
Gertie is the kind of dog that has to grow on you. So I dicided that the dog would be trained. This didn't quite go as planned. At 15 weeks old, she was nearly made to leave the Petsmart Training School. She spent every night lying in our bed-snoring (打鼾)so loudly that I hardly got a good night's sleep.
Then, about six months after she arrived, I felt that something in my heart was taking place, and I was unable to stop it. My behaviour(行为方式)began to change. I began to smile at people when passing them in a street. I returned(招手)from neighbours. I started calling my kids, and to my surprise, they started calling me. I even tried to speak to my grandchildren over the phone once. I even was glad to listen to laughter from a 10-month-old granddaughter. The point is that I was changing.
My wife and I both agree that it is Gertie who has changed my behaviour. Gertie is now nearly two years old and almost fully grown.I have come to like the pet little by little, though she is my wife's dog.
What did the man think of the dog at the beginning?

A.It looked very beautiful.
B.It wasn't very lovely.
C.It wasn't necessary to be trained.
D.It could change his life.

When did the man's behaviour begin to change?

A.About two years ago.
B.When Gertie was nearly two years old.
C.When Gertie was 15 weeks old.
D.About six months after Gertie arrived.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the man's change?

A.He began to smile at people
B.He liked helping his neighbours.
C.He started calling his kids.
D.He spoke to his grandchildren over the phone.

What can we learn from this passage?

A.The dog has been trained very well.
B.The man has become more confident.
C.The man has become more friendly.
D.The man likes the dog better than his wife.
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  • 难度:未知

Sugar—free beets(甜菜)that still taste sweet, tastier tomatoes and brighter-colored fruits and vegetables that stay ripe(熟的)longer are all foods that are being grown now. How can they
carry traits, such as being tastier, brighter, and riper? They are genetically engineered.
Genetic engineering(基因工程)is like making a change in a recipe. For example, when you make cakes, you mix together all of the usual ingredients. If you add an extra ingredient, like salt, the cakes will taste differently.
Genes are ingredients in the recipe for life. They carry the traits of living things. Your genes dictate what color hair and eyes you’ll have, how tall you’ll be, as well as many other traits. Genes carry traits for plants, too. By adding genes to a plant, you can sometimes create new traits. For example, adding a certain gene to a potato plant can make the potato plant distasteful to bugs(虫子). This makes some farmers happy because they don’t have to use chemicals to keep bugs away from their plants.
It sounds great, but some people are opposed to the idea of food that is genetically engineered. Ronnie Cummins, from the Campaign for Food Safety, is against it. He says that one of the major concerns is allergies(过敏). Supermarkets don’t always label foods that are genetically engineered. A customer could unknowingly buy food that has an added gene from another plant that he or she is allergic to. It could be dangerous.
Gary Burton from Monsanto, a seed(种子)company that engineers food, disagrees. He says his company tests for allergies. Burton believes that genetic engineering is a valuable tool for making better food. The technology can help farmers use less insecticide(杀虫剂)and grow healthier crops. Burton thinks there are many advantages.
But Cummins says that we just don’t know what will happen in the future if we keep adding genes to foods. We could mistakenly create a monster.
People have different opinions about genetic engineering. One side supports it and thinks it will only help us. The other side is opposed to playing with nature and fears health risks. Which side do you think is right?
What could be a good thing about food that is genetically engineered?

A.It’s more expensive.
B.It could taste different.
C.It requires less insecticide.
D.It’s not labeled in the supermarket.

In general, who does not support the idea of genetic food?

A.People from seed companies.
B.Farmers who use engineered seeds.
C.People from the Campaign for Food Safety.
D.Scientists who create genetically engineered food.

It can be inferred that          .

A.growing genetic foods will make farmers richer
B.people will eat more genetic foods in the future
C.using fewer chemicals could make the food tastier
D.there could be unknown dangers about genetic foods

What is the best title of this passage?

A.Future Farming
B.Genetic Engineering
C.Foods with a Difference
D.Genetically Engineered Fruits
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  • 难度:未知

任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分 )
1.Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. Many companies today need employees (雇员 ) who can speak a foreign language, or have the experience of living or working in another country.
2. Most people want to be happy. But few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves .In other words, we make own happiness.
3. “No man is an island” is a well-known line from John Donne’s Devotion, written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. No one can live a completely isolated life. Without other people, life became empty and sad. We all need friends.
4. When he was 18 years old, he wanted to go to film school so that he could improve his skills and become an even better director. Unluckily, he was unsuccessful in getting a place at this school so he went to a university in California to study English. Even though he had failed to get into the school he wanted to go to, he didn’t let this stop him following his dream to become a great director.
5.Which type of food will make a difference if you want to keep fit? If you eat more carbohydrates(碳水化合物 ) and proteins (蛋白质) ,your body will be pleased. If you eat too much fat and sweet, your muscles ( 肌肉) will start to break down.

A. If you want to succeed, don’t give up your dream.
B. Paying attention to what you eat
C. The Ad for looking for the employees.                           
D. The secrets of Happiness.
E. No one can live without people.


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A. succeeded  B.fresh   C. death   D.below   E.provide  F. unless

Night temperature usually falls ________ zero in winter here.
Let’s open the windows and have some ____________ air in here.
We tried our best to solve the problem.Finally we________________.
Could you _______me with information about student exchange programs?
Susan will not arrive at the airport on time ______________ she hurries up.
He had to make a living by himself after his father’s ___________.

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We’ll be able to finish the project _________(容易).
Excellent teachers are usually _______ (感兴趣) in their students.
China is getting richer and stronger in the new __________(世纪).
people are pretty ____________(放松) about time in Colombia.
Betty is a specially trained dog. She fills my life with p__________.
Ten people were killed in the traffic accident, i_______ two babies.
My mother has been m___________to my father for 30 years.
I think the telephone was i__________ in 1876.
Our hometown is d__________ very fast now.

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参考词汇:share…with…;experience; interest; change; encourage; enjoy; happiness; confident

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