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Of the two brothers, Bill is ______ younger one, and he is a quiet boy, ______ that most adults like very much.

A.a; one B.a ; the one C.the; one D.the ; the one
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------So you gave her your phone?
------_____, she said she’d return it to me when she could afford her own.

A.My pleasure B.Not exactly C.No doubt D.All right
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  • 难度:未知

On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, ______ the luggage ______ on the floor, and ______ in the dark.

A.left, lied, disappeared B.leaving, lying, disappeared
C.leaving, lie, disappeared D.left, lay, disappear
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The job is not very profitable ________ cash, but I can get valuable experience from it.

A.in case of B.in terms of C.in return for D.in addition to
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I think you should go back to your ______ plan, which is much more practical than the present one.

A.original B.random C.abstract D.ridiculous
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  ------Where did you first meet your boyfriend?
------It was in the department store ______ he worked.

A.which B.that C.what D.where
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We were told not to touch the equipment in the laboratory unless ________.

A.allowed to do B.allowing to do
C.allowed to D.allowing to
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The young scientist has made such great achievements in his chosen field ______ nobody else can make.

A.that B.what C.which D.as
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According to the rules, students ______ get grades not lower than 85% in any subject in order to get the scholarship.

A.will B.shall C.may D.would
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------Have you known each other for long?
------ Not very, ________we started to work in the ABC Motor Company.

A.before  B.since C.when D.after
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It’s ____ you behave in difficulties that shows what you are really like.

A.that B.what C.how D.where
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------You ran into Mr. Li! How did that happen?
------Well, _______ of us was looking where we were going. We came around the corner at the same time.

A.neither B.either C.both D.None
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------What's the matter with Tim?
------Oh, Tim's cell phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ________ again.

A.to find B.to be found C.finding D.being found
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Will you ____ it that my birds are looked after well while I'm away?

A.see to B.turn to C.turn off D.see off
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—We are informed that the Weifang International Kite Festival starts at 7:00. 
—Oh, I didn't expect it was so early! I ____ to go out for dinner with my friends first. 

A.would plan B.am planning C.have been planning D.was planning
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Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe.I had been abroad a couple of times, 36  I could hardly claim to know my way around the continent.Moreover, my  37  of foreign languages was  38  to a little college French.
I  39  .How would I,unable to speak the language and totally  40  with local geography or transportation systems,  41  interviews and do research? It seemed  42  ,and with much regret I sat down to write a letter begging  43  .Halfway through,a thought ran through my mind:you can’t learn if you don’t  44  .So I accepted the assignment.
There were some bad news. But by the time I had  45  the trip I was an experienced 46  .And ever since,I have never hesitated to  47  for even the most remote places,without guides or even  48  bookings,confident that somehow I will  49  .
The point is that the new,the  50  ,is almost by definition scary.But each time you try 51  ,you learn,and as the learning piles up,the world  52  to you.
I’ve  53  to ski at 40,and flown up the Rhine River in a balloon.And I know I’ll go on doing such things.It’s not because I’m  54  or more daring than others. I’m not. But I’ll accept anxiety as another name for  55  and I believe I can accomplish wonders.

A.though B.and C.but D.since

A.knowledge B.view C.target D.experience

A.forced B.limited C.reduced D.increased

A.left B.doubted C.paused D.hesitated

A.get up B.put up C.set up D.cheer up

A.impossible B.possible C.easy D.disturbing

A.away B.down C.off D.for

A.ask B.try C.practice D.accept

A.finished B.started C.reserved D.cancelled

A.traveler B.reporter C.writer D.thinker

A.take B.head C.make D.change

A.careful B.free C.professional D.advanced

A.lose B.win C.manage D.remember

A.different B.same C.old D.bad

A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

A.sticks B.comes C.opens D.drinks

A.learned B.hoped C.forgotten D.attempted

A.weaker B.braver C.worse D.luckier

A.trouble B.failure C.victory D.challenge

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Early last Tuesday, six men carrying machine guns, a pistol and a hunting rifle got on a four—car electric “ milk train” at the Dutch town of Assen. Shortly after it left Beilen, ten miles away, the terrorists stopped the train and seized the passenger as hostages. As police and Dutch soldiers ringed the train, another group of terrorists stuck in Amsterdam, forcing their way into the Indonesian consulate and taking 41 more hostages, including 16 children. By week’s end the terrorists had murdered three people aboard the train, and four more had been wounded in the raid on the consulate.
The kidnapping, and the subsequent cold—blooded murders, virtually rocked the Netherlands. While the Cabinet met in emergency sessions, television and radio station paused normal programming in favor of solemn music and news bulletins.
The terrorists were Indonesians from the South Moluccan Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and they were demanding that the Dutch help them gain independence from the Jakarta regime.(雅加达政权)
The twin acts of violence were not the first signs of South Molucca anger. Just before a 1970 visit to the Netherlands by Indonesia’s President Suharto, they attacked the Indonesian embassy in the Hague, killing a Dutch policeman. Last week’s kidnappings are two days before the Dutch Appeals Court was to trial 16 South Moluccan’s who were implicated in a plot last April to kidnap Queen Juliana and other members of the Royal family. They planned to storm the palace at Soestdijk after attacking the gates with an armoured car(装甲车).
The Moluccan headache is a heritage(遗留问题) of the old days of empire. A chain of islands at the eastern of the Indonesian archipelago, the Moluccas were once known as the Spice Islands. When the Netherlands gave up its East Indies colonies in 1949, the Moluccans wanted to set up a South Moluccan Republic, some 12,000 islanders were allowed to settle to the Netherlands. Their number swollen by Dutch—born children now reached 35,000. the young Moluccans here are demanding that the Dutch help them gain independence from the Jakarta regime.
Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Dozens of people were seized by the terrorist as hostages.
B.The Indonesian consulate was located in Amsterdam.
C.The terrorists were Indonesians living in the Netherlands.
D.The terrorists all surrendered(投降) to the police and soldiers.

Why did television and radio stations pause normal programming?

A.The acts of violence shocked the whole country.
B.The terrorists destroyed necessary equipment.
C.the Cabinet needed to think quietly.
D.Their men were too sad to produce good program.

The last paragraph __________.

A.is mainly about the history of Indonesia
B.tells us how Indonesia won its independence
C.tell us how the Netherlands gave up its rule
D.briefly accounts for the acts of violence
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  • 难度:未知

Apple Seeds
Circulation(发行量) : 1 Year, 9 Issues
Cover Price: $44.55
Price For You: $33.95
Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you --- it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.
Better Life
Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues
Cover Price: $44.55
Price For You: $15.00
Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America’s complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.
Humor Times
Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues
Cover Price: $36.00
Price For You: $11.95
Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.
News China
Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues
Cover Price: $47.88
Price For You: $19.99
Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.
What do we know about Apple Seeds?

A.The soft cover enables it to be read and kept long.
B.It can be purchased as an award for your children.
C.It offers the biggest discount among all the magazines.
D.The magazine is going to surprise you for many years.

Tom wants to beautify his house, so he may choose _________ .

A.Apple Seeds B.Better Life C.Humor Times D. News China

What kind of people may buy News China ?

A.People who have an interest in Personal lifestyle of the Chinese.
B.People who have a strong sense of humor and love to laugh.
C.People who want to enlarge the knowledge of their kids.
D.People who are interested in China’s politics, business and culture.

Which magazine provides the biggest discount if you buy it for the whole year?

A.Apple Seeds B.Better Life C.Humor Times D. News China
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A three-year independent investigation into the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon has yielded new eyewitness evidence which, according to the Southern California-based researchers who conducted the investigation conclusively (and unfortunately), establishes as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a military black operation involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception."
A CNN Reporter at the scene states that there is no evidence that a 757 hit the Pentagon.
   What hit the Pentagon? A Boeing 757 loaded with passengers and fuel right? Who was on Flight 757? According to the Flight Information there were No Arabs on it. That makes me wonder if Flight 757 actually existed at all.
  From the pictures and the videos, people can find that there are several doubtful points that need to be taken into consideration, for example the marker line on the grass in the satellite and ground pictures, the different colors of the smoke, the hole which the plane impacted, and the standing pylons (架线塔).
  Also, from the comparison of the different pictures, people can find some other strange points. For example, the gear (齿轮) is not the matching one. The wreckage of the plane is not the one from the American Airlines. The glass on the pavement of the pole is another doubtful point. The last thing that need considering is about the collapse. One of the gif video shows the plane impacting the Pentagon. The only problem with this video footage is that it has been altered (改变) and can not be fully trusted.
  These crash photos and videos shown here clearly have been doctored (篡改) and don't even match the physics of what happened. So where is the real video? It leaves me many questions. Is this a missile? It is a real enigma.
Where can you possibly read this article?

A.In a newspaper. B.In a book. C.On a website. D.In a magazine.

What the word “yielded” mean in the first sentence?

A.given in B.surrendered C.given away D.produced

Which of the following doubtful points is not mentioned in the passage?

A.the colors of the smoke B.the model of the plane
C.the standing pylons D.the marker line on the grass

What is the author’s attitude towards the 911 investigation?

A.Positive. B.Neutral. C.Skeptical. D.Negative.
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One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister.On this occasion, the work was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend.I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children.Later, I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.
I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out.I called home with this happy news.But instead of hearing his cheerful, grateful voice on the other end of the line, all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.
It was, I should point out, after 10 p.m.,when the two younger children should have been in bed, and when the two older children should have been answering the phone.“I’ll give him a lesson,” I said. I decided they must be outside.Why they might be outside at 10:30 on a winter night I had no idea, but it was the only explanation I could come up with.
Finally, in desperation, I called his girlfriend’s house. After what seemed like countless rings, his girlfriend answered.“Yes,” she said brightly, “He’s right here.”
He came on the phone.I was not my usual calm, rational(理智的)self. After all, one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can’t trust modern teenagers.“Where are the children?” I said.He said they were with him.They had done nothing wrong.My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend’s house just for ice cream and cake.This was too good to be believed. Well, it turns out that I shouldn’t have believed it.It was only part of the truth.
The following Saturday evening we were at my parents’ home, celebrating my birthday.My oldest son gave me the children’s gifts.Mounted and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children, dressed in their best clothes, and wearing their most wonderful expressions.They are pictures to treasure a lifetime, all taken by the father of my son’s girlfriend.
The author went out and left her eldest son in charge of the younger children because         .   

A.she knew that her eldest son was a good baby-sitter
B.she thought it no hard work to take care of the younger ones
C.she believed he could do well with his girlfriend’s help
D.she could not find a baby-sitter on that winter night

When the author called home that evening, she found that           

A.two younger children had already been in bed
B.the children were preparing a birthday gift for her
C.her son was quarrelling with his girlfriend
D.there was no one answering the telephone

What might the children do that evening?

A.They had a birthday party. B.They framed some photographs.
C.They had their pictures taken. D.They made some beautiful clothes.

What does the author intend to tell us by the story?

A.Modern teenagers are not worth trusting.
B.It is no easy job to look after young children.
C.It’s no good to have a girlfriend at an early age.
D.Her children have a caring and tender heart.
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  • 难度:未知

     But science may have just proved them right – because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts, according to a study.
As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks, this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground.       For example, Yasmin Le Bon is signed to the same modelling agency as daughter Amber, and Jerry Hall’s daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.  
Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics, analysed data from a survey of 17,000 babies born in Britain in March 1958 and tracked them throughout their lives.         When they reached 45, they were asked about the gender of any children they had.
Those rated as attractive were equally likely to have a son or daughter as their first child – but the unattractive sorts were more likely to have a son.      
Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own features.     So it pays for attractive women to have daughters. But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.

A.Women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than plain ones.
B.Single girls have always complained that good-looking men are difficult to find.
C.Beauty is of more benefit to a woman than a man.
D.At the age of seven, their attractiveness was rated by their teachers.

E. Put another way, the beautiful women were more likely to have daughters.
F. And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow in their fascinating footsteps.
G. Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are more likely to have girls than uglier couples.

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Dear Amy,
I glad to discuss your present situation with you. People often miss parents for the first time they left home. However, most people have to leave home for higher educations or employment. You cannot live with our parents forever. You should realize that the separation will help improve your person ability. You need to make new friends and share ideas with whomever has something in common with you. Maybe you will still miss your parents, and your new friends will bring joy to your new life. Also I suggest you will enjoy yourself by taking the active part in different activities. You will get much pleasure.
Faithfully yours

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注意:1.信的开头已为你写好。2.词数:100左右。3.参考词汇:门票---entrance fee
Dear Editor:
I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.

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