首页 / 初中英语 / 试卷选题


There _____ a nice desk and a few chairs on the second floor.
A.have              B.is                 C.are

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— What’s the matter, Jane?
—There’s _____ with my computer.
A.anything wrong       B. wrong something    C.something wrong

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—_____ is the hospital from here?
— It’s about three kilometres away from here.
A.How long             B.How far            C.How often

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—Lily, would you like me _____ you?
—Yes, thanks.
A.help                B.to help            C.helping

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—_____ milk is there in the bottle?
A.How many            B.How                C.How much

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—_____your turn when the traffic light is red.
— You’re right.
A.Wait                B.Wait for           C.Waiting for

  • 题型:未知
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—Excuse me, _____is the way to the bank?
— Sorry,I don’t know.
A.Which               B.When            C.Where

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—It’s May 1st
A..What day is it?             B.What’s the date ?             C. What time is it?

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—What kind of home do you live in?
—I live in a farmhouse_____four bedrooms.
A.have                        B.for                       C.with

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  • 难度:未知

—Where is Linda?                        
—She is in her room. I can hear her_____songs.
A.to sing                      B.singing                     C.sings.

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  • 难度:未知

—The traffic is busy in our city.
—Yes, _____on the street.
A.not play                     B. no play                     C.don’t play

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Jane _____ the piano every Sunday.But she _____computer games now.
A.plays; is playing    B.plays;plays        C.is playing;is playing

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  • 难度:未知

The boy is only _____ and today is his _____ birthday.
A.nine; nine       B.ninth; nine        C.nine; ninth

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  • 难度:未知

—What do you use the box_____?
—I use it_____keep pencils,rulers,pens and so on.
A.to, to                  B.to, for                       C.for,  to

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—What shape is the American football?
A.It’s an orange        B. It’s an oval.       C. It’s beautiful

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  • 难度:未知

It’s November 6th today. Ben and Lisa want to buy a birthday   46 . It’s their   47 birthday.
“What does she   48 ?” Ben asks Lisa. “I don’t know.” Lisa says, “We bought(买)her some hamburgers last time.”
“Yes,” Ben says, “and we ate (吃) some of them! We can’t do that   49 .”
“Let’s buy her a book. She likes   50 .” Lisa says.
“What kind of book would she like?” Ben asks.
“I don’t know.” Lisa says, “Let’s go   51  ask her.”
The children go to the living room. Mrs. Wilson is watching TV.
“We want to buy a book   52  you, Mom.” Lisa says.“What book do you want?”
  53  money do you have?” Their mother asks them.
“We have twenty-five yuan.” Ben says.
“Good. That’s enough(足够) for the book I want. It is Quick and Easy Cooking.
The children buy their mother the book for her birthday. They   54  her present this time, but they often eat the nice food because their mother learns a lot   55  the book and cooks for them. They are very happy.
A.flower      B. present          C.cards
A. mother’s   B. Lisa’s          C.brother
A.need         B.can               C.must
A.before      B.ago               C.again
A.running      B.shopping          C. reading
A. but         B.and               C.so
A. for         B.on                C.about
A.How much     B.How often         C.How many
A.not eat     B.eat               C.don’t eat  
A.from       B.about              C.with

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

补全对话: 根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
A:     Could you tell me the way to the bus stop, please?
B:     You can ask that cleaner over there.
B: You are welcome!
A: Excuse me.    
C: Yes. Walk along this road,and turn left at the first crossing. 
It’s about 100 meters along on the left.
A: Thanks a lot.

A. Thank you all the same!
B. It’s a pleasure.
C. Is there a bus stop near here?
D. Excuse me.
E. I’m sorry. I don’t know.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Kate is a little girl. She’s only five. She is not at school. She doesn’t know how to read or write. But her sister Mary is a student. She knows how to read and write.
One day, Mary sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Kate?” she asks. “I’m writing to my friend, Rose.” says Kate. “But how can you? You don’t know how to write.” says her sister. “Well.” says Kate, “It doesn’t matter. Rose doesn’t know how to read, either(也).”
Kate doesn’t go to school because she is too young.
Kate and Mary arefriends.
One day, Kate is writing to Mary.
Kate can’t write.
Rose can read.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For Rent
A big apartment for a family of three people.¥650 a month. Call Mr. Zhang.


Looking for a quiet single room under $120 per month. Please call
Harry at 138-7682-5856.


ID card
Please call (010)8433-9211.
A bag with some books. Come to Room 402 in the evening
or call White at (010)6378-3021.

Please call _____ to rent a three-bedroom apartment.
A.(010)8838-7166      B.138-7682-5856      C.(010)8433-9211
You can rent your single room to _____ for $120 per month.
A.Dick                B.Harry             C.White
If you find an ID card, you can call _____ at (010)8433-9211.
A.White               B.Harry             C.Dick
If you can’t find your bag, you can _____ to get it back in the evening.
A.call (010)8433-9211 B.go to Room 402     C.call Harry
You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months. You must take out _____.
A.$360                B. ¥1, 950          C.¥650

  • 题型:未知
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This is a street crossing. There are red and green lights at each corner. Drivers must watch the lights carefully.
When there is a green light, the cars may go. When there is a red light, the cars must stop. They must wait until the red light changes to green. Then they can go on. Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn. They can make a right turn when the light is green or red. But they must wait until the green light is shining if they want to turn left.
Some people are color-blind(色盲). They can not tell the difference(不同) between the red and green lights. These people must not drive, or there will be accidents. We must keep our streets safe.
Drivers must watch _____ carefully at each corner.
A.green lights         B.red lights            C.both green lights and red lights
When there is a red light _____ .
A.the cars must stop                B.the cars may go on      C.the cars may make a left turn
Cars can make a right turn when _____ .
A.there is a red light              B.there is a green light     C.there is a red or green light
Color-blind people may have accidents because _____ .
A.they can’t see cars
B.they can’t see the lights
C.they can’t tell the difference between the red and green lights
According to (根据) the passage _____ must not drive.
A.young people     B. color-blind people             C.old men

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

            He is in Grade Seven this year. He likes reading news and watching football games.            He does his best to know where and when there is a football game in the newspapers.
Now Peter is having lunch.             He is very happy because there is a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon.             But he has to have English and Chinese classes. He thinks and finds a way.
“Hello, Mrs. Black!” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “Peter is ill(生病) in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave(请半天假).”
“Oh,             ” says Mrs. Black, “But who’s that?”
“It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”

A. I’m sorry to hear that.
B. He is listening to the radio(收音机), too.
C. Peter is thirteen years old.
D. He wants to watch it very much.
E. And he likes reading newspapers.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John is an American boy. His family is in China now. John likes chocolates(巧克力) very much. But his mother doesn’t give him any. They are not good for him, she thinks. But John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves him very much, and sometimes he buys John some chocolates. Then his mother lets John eat them. She wants to make the old man happy. On the evening of May 1st John says in his room, “Please, God (上帝). Make them give me a big box of chocolates tomorrow. It’s my eighth birthday.” His mother says,“God can’t hear you, my boy.” “I know, but my grandfather is in the next room. He can hear.”
1. John comes from    .
2. John lives in     now.
3. John likes eating   very much. But his mother thinks they are not     for him.
4. John’s    sometimes buy some chocolates for him
5. May 2nd is John’s eighth     .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(A)词语填空 按要求完成句子
Jim’s bedroom is on the_____(two,second)floor.
There are many _____ (people,car) in the street.
It’s too late. But Mr. Wang is _____ (check,checking) the students’ homework.
If you drive too fast, you may have an _____(accident,orange).
I like P.E. best. Because my P.E. teacher is very _____ (friend,friendly) to us.
There are two _____(千) students in our school
Go along this road _____ (直到---为止)you get to the end of the road.
I have a_____(票), so I would like to see a movie this evening.
There are twelve m _____ in a year.
You can b_____ books from the library.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(B) 综合填空 根据短文大意选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。

walk,  from,  class,  early,  late

David is an English school boy. His school is not far    his home. He usually takes a bus to school. But he’s often      for school.
It’s a fine day today. David gets up    . He has breakfast, and then he    to the bus station. He takes a bus at seven o’clock. His    begin at half past seven. But today he is also late. Do you know why? Because he takes a wrong bus!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(C) 遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。


in the river, now

John, go to Japan

she, be born

river, behind

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

有人喜欢住在城里,有些人喜欢住在乡下,你喜欢住在哪里呢?请以“I like living in------”为题写一篇70词左右的短文,说说你喜欢住在那里的理由。

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