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—May I use your dictionary? I want to consult it.
—It’s over there.____.

A.Feel free B.Got it C.No problem D.It depends
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It' s obviously not urgent, ____ they would have called us straight away.

A.or rather B.or else C.rather than D.other than
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Protecting the earth is not ____ to be left to the government.Everybody should be concerned.

A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything
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They suffered a flood last year, but the harvest was not ,____ they got the year before.

A.as many as B.as much as C.fewer than D.less than
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It is said that the old pot ____under the earth for about 1000 years by the time it was discovered.

A.had buried B.had been buried C.buried D.were buried
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The captain determined to be with the ship forever and never    to disappointment even when the ship sank.

A.gave way B.gave over C.gave off D.gave up
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—Are you going to help him?
—Why  ___ I help him? He' s never done anything for me.

A.would B.could C.might D.should
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That art center is ____ used to be a factory,_____ millions of cars were made.

A.what; which B.where; where C.what; where D.where; which
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The research showed beyond        that smoking contributes to heart disease.

A.reach B.power C.doubt D.problem
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—Sorry, sir.He ____to a meeting soon. 

A.would go B.has gone C.will have gone D.is going
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—Jane, I will graduate this June.What advice will you give me?
—Suggest you go       you are most needed and you'll benefit a lot from it.

A.in which B.to which C.where D.at which
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—Cheap food means that everyone can afford to eat well.
—___.But what about the long-term effect on the environment?

A.I see your point B.Not really
C.That' s all right D.I hope not
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Any packet __   properly will not be accepted by the post office.

A.not to address B.not being addressed
C.not addressed D.not having addressed
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Hearing the disappointing news, he was too sad to ____himself.

A.contain B.include C.manage D.command
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—Do you often go to the gym? You look fit.
—On the contrary, seldom ____ in my spare time.

A.I work out B.did I work out
C.I worked out D.do I work out
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I met Jane Black in university, and soon we became friends.The first time I went to her home I found her family quite different from my own.
In my family, it was always important to place   1  when anything bad happened.
"Who did this? "my mother would scream about a dirty kitchen.
" This is all your  2  , Katharine, " my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher  3  .
From the time we were little, my sister, brothers and I told on each other.We set a place for blame at the dinner table.
,the Whites didn't worry about who had done what.They picked up the pieces and with their lives.The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died.
In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car  6  from their home in Florida to New York.The two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy, had recently  7  sixteen.Proud of having a new driver' s license, Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.She  8  her license to everyone she met.
The big sisters  9  the driving of Sarah' s new car during the first part of the trip, but when they reached _10_ crowded areas, they let Amy  11  .Somewhere in South Carolina, we pulled off the highway to eat.After lunch, Amy got behind the wheel.She came to a crossroads with a stop sign.Whether she was nervous or just didn't see the sign no one would  12  know, but Amy continued into the crossroads without stopping.The driver of a large truck, unable to stop in time, ran into our car.
Jane was killed immediately.I was only  13  injured.The most difficult thing that I’ve ever done was to call the Whites to tell them about the accident and that Jane had died.Painful __14_ it was for me to lose a good friend, I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child.
When Mr.and Mrs.White arrived at the hospital, they found their two daughters sharing a room.Sarah had a few cuts on the head and Amy' s leg was broken.They hugged us all and cried tears of   15  and of joy at seeing their daughters.They  16  away the girls' tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches (拐仗).
To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "We' re so glad that you' re alive."
I was  17  .No blame.No accusations.
Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.
Mrs. White said, "Jane' s gone, and we miss her  18  .Nothing we say or do will ever bring her back.But Amy has her whole life ahead of her.How can she _19____ a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister' s death?"
They were right.Amy graduated from the University of California and got married several years ago.She works   20   a teacher of learning-disabled students.She' s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

A.anger B.blame C.scream D.pride

A.fault B.mistake C.benefit D.action

A.broke B.caught C.stopped D.worked

A.Then B.However C.Therefore D.Still

A.had on B.put on C.got on D.moved on

A.drive B.voyage C.trip D.tour

A.became B.reached C.got D.turned

A.showed off B.turned up C.brought out D.took off

A.took B.tasted C.shared D.experienced

A.more B.less C.far D.quite

A.turn up B.get down C.take over D.take up

A.hardly B.never C.even D.ever

A.seriously B.slightly C.lightly D.quickly

A.as B.so C.when D.while

A.pity B.sadness C.shame D.sympathy

A.swept B.gave C.wiped D.cleaned

A.delighted B.excited C.amused D.astonished

A.terribly B.hard C.gradually D.rarely

A.direct B.guide C.lead D.conduct

A.for B.as C.like D.to

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Can you imagine living in a house built by recycled waste?
Texas home builder Dan Phillips transforms trash into artful treasures, creating beautiful floors with wood pieces, kitchen counters from ivory -colored bones and roofs out of license plates (牌照).
The fantastic houses which spring from his imagination are made almost entirely of materials which would otherwise have ended up in a garbage area.
" People have been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years; using whatever is available to build shelter, " Phillips said."If you think about carefully what could be used, then building materials are everywhere.
The thirteen homes he has built so far would fit better in an art museum than the residential streets of Huntsville, a conservative town of about 35 ,000 people.
Living in these houses is a bit like living in a roadside attraction."Almost every day, somebody knocks on the door and says ' Is there any way that we could see?' "said Edie Wells, an artist who rents a room in the Bone House.Her home features a stairway made of bones, floors covered in wine corks (软木塞) and beer bottle caps.Wells said visitors are most impressed when they see a bathroom with its walls, floor and ceiling entirely covered with broken mirror pieces.
In addition, each house is highly energy efficient with plenty insulation (隔热材料) , an on-demand solar hot water heater and a system that can collect and recycle rainwater to clean the toilet and wash clothes.
Phillips founded Phoenix Commotion 12 years ago with the aim of creating a new model for sustainable housing.For as little as $ 10,000 it builds affordable homes for single parents, low-income families and artists.
The company has used hundreds of tons of construction waste by recycling the materials into habitable buildings.
Phillips tries to spread his recycled-house idea by speaking at events across the United States, and by using the Internet to reach out to like-minded individuals.Phillips said: "I'm not going to be saving the world anytime soon.But there needs to be at least some visibility for this model in this century.
Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the homes built by Phillips?

A.environmentally-friendly B.energy efficient
C.convenient D.cheap

What do we know about Dan Phillips?

A.He is serious and hard-working.
B.He is full of imagination and intelligence.
C.It didn't take him long to build the houses.
D.He didn't give speeches in the United States.

According to the passage, the houses are like artful treasures because they are           .

A.made of bones B.museums
C.admired by people D.made of various trash

Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.Home Builder Dan Phillips
B.Green Homes
C.Home Builder Dan Phillips Tunis Trash into Green Homes
D.A Home Builder' s Life
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When JetBlue captain Clayton Osbon became unpredictable, his co-pilot invented a reason for him to go back into the cabin.Once the captain was out of the cockpit (驾驶舱) , the co-pilot locked the door to keep the captain from returning.Passengers, some with law enforcement experience, calmed the captain.The flight changed course to Amarillo, Texas where the captain was hospitalized.
Incidents in which a pilot has had an in-flight psychological breakdown are rare.But how could it happen at all? Though pilots are required to have an examination at least once a year by a physician approved by the FAA, there are no formal procedures in place to test pilots for signs of psychological problems.
At most airlines, pilots are members of a union.A pilot who appears to have a psychological or an alcohol problem can be reported to a union member whose job it is to investigate.If there is a problem, the pilot is given the choice of getting treatment or being reported to management.But at airlines, such as Allegiant, JetBlue, and Virgin American where there is no union, pilots are – to say the least - unwilling to report a fellow pilot to management.
In most professions, a person experiencing emotional difficulties is free to consult a doctor.Rut an airline pilot in therapy is viewed with suspicion both by the airline and by the FAA.No pilot wants to be put under extra examination by an agency that has the power to revoke their license or end their employment.That being the case, pilots are less likely than people in other professions to seek help.
There may be no way to make sure this never happens again, but its possibility can be reduced. Tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI) can reliably detect depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, and other problems.The FAA could require pilots to take the MMPI or a similar test on a periodic basis.Whether such testing becomes required will depend upon the public's response to this incident and whether additional incidents take place.
Flying is remarkably safe.But incidents such as this cause concern.
What does the underlined word "revoke" most probably mean?

A.delay B.cancel C.interrupt D.renew

Why are some pilots unwilling to report a fellow pilot to management?

A.Because they are tested for signs of psychological problems every year.
B.Because they are likely to be treated by physicians.
C.Because they are supported by the airlines.
D.Because they might be fired.

What is the author' s attitude towards the incident?

A.satisfied B.indifferent C.concerned D.disapproving

In which part of the newspaper can the passage be found?

A.Entertainment B.Sports C.Business D.Society
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  • 难度:未知

Have you heard of the movie Benji off the Leashf This Benji story7 begins when his mother, a pretty black furry dog, escapes from the puppy mill with Colby, a boy who loves her.He tries to hide her in an abandoned house.The boy' s father discovers her there and takes mother and pups back home to the puppy mill, but leaves Benji behind because he doesn't look purebred (纯血统的) enough to be sold for money.Colby comes back later to rescue the tiny puppy and keeps Benji in his wooden clubhouse, bringing Mom to come to visit him in secret.
As Benji grows bigger, it becomes harder to keep him in the clubhouse, and eventually the boy' s father discovers him and Benji is forced to flee to the streets.But despite his fear of Colby' s father, Benji cannot forget about his mother, who is growing steadily weaker and sicker.He continues to sneak back to the puppy mill yard to spy on the goings-on there and plan a way to rescue her.
Benji's doggie pal, Scrappy enters the story when he is pushed out of a car into a country lane.Once his paws hit the ground, Scrappy wags his tail once helplessly after the car as it drives away, and then is immediately up to his neck in hapless mischief (顽皮). Scrappy is a lovably stupid little dog who barely manages to escape the animal control officers who are determined to catch him.
One of the wonderful things about this movie is that the two stars are not highly trained purebred dogs.Both Benji and Scrappy were rescued mixed breed dogs found at local animal shelters.Adorable Benji and his stupid pal, Scrappy, demonstrate that mixed-breed rescue dogs are just as intelligent and trainable as any purebred dog.
Benji Off the Leash clearly demonstrates the connection between people who abuse animals and people who abuse people.Colby' s father takes out his anger on those who are weaker than him, namely by frightening his wife and the dogs.He attempts to frighten Colby, but the boy bravely refuses to let him.
Children who are used to fast-paced action films with catchy theme songs may not have the patience for the slower pace of this film.But for rescue volunteers, older children, and anyone who loves dogs, this is a heartwarming movie that shows how even in today' s world of deserted dogs and backyard puppy mills, there can still be happy endings for homeless dogs.
What can be learned from the passage?

A.Two dogs star the movie.
B.The boy' s mother is very disgusting.
C.The movie will be liked by all the children.
D.The movie is fast-paced.

We can infer from the passage that _____.

A.The movie is in praise of deserting homeless dogs.
B.We shouldn't have mercy on homeless dogs.
C.We human beings need to love animals because they are our friends.
D.mixed-breed rescued dogs are less intelligent and trainable than purebred dogs.

What' s the passage mainly about?

A.Reviewing a Him.
B.Giving a summary of a movie.
C.Thinking highly of the relationship between animals and humans.
D.Criticizing people deserting animals.

What' s the purpose of writing the passage?

A.To attract more people to see the movie.
B.To call on children to help homeless pets.
C.To show anger about abusing animals.
D.To urge people to care and love animals.
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  • 难度:未知

This tour consists of touring the City, Bay and Surrounds Area of the CBD. Toorak(affluent), CliftonHill(reto), Carlton(little Italy), Fitzroy(bohemian), Kew(Studley Park Boat house), The Yarra River...etc
Picture yourself in a Classic Chevrolet Convertible travelling the streets of Melbourne with the wind blowing in your hair and everyone wondering who you are and wishing it was them.
Stopping to view The Bay and have your champagne(香槟酒) and French pastry(点心) on the pier.(码头) 
This is a feeling of luxury, this is unique!
Spend a few hours seeing Melbourne and its surrounds from the perspective of a Classic Convertible Chevrolet Impala (either 1965 or 1968).This unique chauffeured tour lasts 2 hours transports you and up to three friends.
Choose your own route, or let us choose for you and go to places such as Kew Boulevard along the Yarra - a lovely lush area or maybe the Country area of Warrandyte or the Bay area of St Kilda. You might want to have fish'n'chips at Station Pier or coffee and cake at Brunetti's in Carlton!
When you think Mornington Peninsula you think of rolling hills and rugged coastline, and a beach on every cove.
This tour takes you to an area so diverse of soil, sunshine and rainfall. It has a micro- climate all itself. Its wine and food are unique. There are more than 150 Wineries in the Peninsula. Surrounded by 25 hectares of National Parks it has a mix of rugged coastline, serene wetlands and wild bushland.
We start our tour from Melbourne journey to Frankston, Mornington then Red Hill. We travel to a variety of vineyards.
Followed by lunch at Montalto Vineyard and Restaurant awarded both a Chef's Hat Rating in the 2009 Age Good Food Guide & 5 red stars in the 2009 Halliday Australian Wine Companion. (5 red stars stand for an outstanding winery regularly producing wines of exemplary quality and typicity!)
From here we travel along the picturesque coast line of natural beauty dotted throughout this land of striking contrast.
At your leisure we travel back to Melbourne.
This is our Phillip Island Tour bringing you in touch with wildlife: seals, koalas, penguins not to mention the Island's surfing beaches. Panoramic views of Bass Straight and Cowes. This tour is a very personalized one because there is so much to see and do on this beautiful Island.
With this Tour we take you to Olinda and Sherbrook Forest which is in the Dandenong Ranges, here we travel the winding Mt Dandenong Tourist Road, which has large lush fern gullies and greenery forest, towering Majestic Mountain Ash and beautiful colourful Rosellas.
We stop and visit "The Sky High Observatory" with spectacular views of Mt Dandenong and Surrounds have a cake or a cup of coffee while nestled under the canopy of Australian eucalypts forest and see wildlife in abundance.
We continue our journey travelling across to Coldsteam Hills and Yarra Glen, here we have, "The Yarra Valley Wineries".We stop for lunch at either, ‘Sweet Water Cafe' or Yering Station After lunch we take in some wine tastings, all at your pleasure before traveling back home via Christmas Hills.
If you are interested in animals, which place would you rather visit?

A.City sighteseeing tour. B.Momington Peninsula tour.
C.Philip Island tour. D.The Dandenongs Delux tour.

In which of the following places do the visitors have to have coffee and snacks at their own expense?

A.City Sightseeing tour.
B.Momingcon Peninsula tour.
C.Philip Island tour.
D.The Dandenongs Delux tour.

What are the similarities between the Mornington Peninsula tour and the Dandenongs Dclux tour?

A.You may play with animals there.
B.You can travel with up to three friends.
C.You can travel to an area diverse of soil, sunshine and rainfall.
D.You can taste some wine.
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  • 难度:未知

Tips on Building Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is a key skill for every goal you want to accomplish Self-confidence means that you know who you are and what you' re good at and that you can handle stress and generally perform under pressure.If you feel like you don't have enough self-confidence, you probably don' t, so you should always try to increase your confidence by following a few day-to-day tips.
Exercise regularly, between three and five times a week.This boosts your self-confidence in a variety of ways. 1 __ Second, the endorphins(内啡呔) you release while exercising make you feel better about yourself.Finally, setting exercise goals and achieving those goals improves your self-confidence by showing yourself exactly what your body is capable of doing.
2.2 _
You can boost your self-confidence by achieving more.So whenever you have a project, presentation or any other event that will showcase your skills, put a lot of effort into preparing for it.Rather than telling yourself how good you are, show yourself through your actions.
3.Self Focus.
3  If someone says something unkind to you, choose not to let it affect you.This gives you power over yourself rather than giving it to other people, and it boosts your self-confidence.It may be difficult at first, but once you realize that other peoples’ words and opinions are meaningless, you start to feel more self-confident.
4.Fake It.Act confident.
This can be tricky, especially if you have very low self-confidence.  5  It doesn’t have to be a lone conversation.Once you realize that the stranger is likely to forget about you within 10 minutes, your self-confidence starts to develop.

B.Don't be afraid of failures.
C.Try talking to one stranger every
D.Focus on yourself rather than other people.

E.For one, you' II feel better about the way you look.
F.Again, this is a matter of showing rather than telling.
G.Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life,

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Dear Katherine,
How exciting I am to hear you are coming to visit me the next Friday.Fortunately, I won' t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.You won' t find difficult to get to the city center.The airport bus left every 30 minute and will take you right to the International Hotel.My class will be over by then or I will pick you up there.I will take you to a hot-pot restaurant for dinner and we' 11 talk with our plan for the weekend over dinner.Having a pleasant trip and see you on Friday.
Sincerely yours
Zhang Lin

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注意:1.词数:1 00左右;
Dear Paul,
I'm too pleased to know that you are coming to China for the 7th National Peasants' Games.
Yours truely
Li Hua

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