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中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话

【贵州省铜仁市2015年中考英语试题】从方框内选择能填入对话相应空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。 (10分)
A:Lily, what would you like to do at Linda’s birthday party?
B:I’d like to sing some songs.
B:English songs.         
A:Yes, I’d love to. But I can’t sing English songs.
A:I’d like to play the piano.
A:I can also perform ballet.
A:No, I can’t. But Li Hua can. He can perform ballet very well.
B:I’m sure we’ll enjoy ourselves.

A. Can you perform magic tricks?
B. What else can you do?
C. Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?
D. What would you like to do?
E. Would you like to sing with me?
来源:2015中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【黑龙江省龙东地区2015年中考英语试题】 Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.
A: Excuse me, I want to go to the National Palace Museum.    
B: You can get there by bus . I think it will come soon.
A:Thank you. It's my first time here.
B: So,     
A:I like it very much. It's a big city with lots of modern buildings. By the way, you aren't a student, are you?
B:            I'm a college student.     
A:I'm going to visit my son and he lives near there.
B:Oh, your bus is coming.
B:You're welcome. Bye.

来源:2015中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【黑龙江省龙东地区2015年中考英语试题】Communication (本题共20分, 每小题2分)
Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.
A:Hello, could I speak to Linda?
B:                                                .
A:Hi,Linda, it's Judy here. I called you at seven and you didn't pick up.
B:I was taking a shower at that time.
A:I see. What are you going to do this weekend?
B:                   . I don't have any plans.
A:                                                  ?
B: Science Museum? No, I haven't.
A:Would you like to go with me?
B:                   . When and where shall we meet?
A:Let's meet at the school gate at eight on Saturday morning.
B:That's a deal.

来源:2015中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【湖北省黄冈市2015年中考英语试题】补全对话(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 l0 分)
根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中,选择 5 个恰当的句子完成对话,并将所选句子前的字母代号写在答题卡上的相应题号后。
(Nancy comes to Huanggang for a tour. She meets Li Fei in the street.)
N: Good afternoon! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you!
L: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Li Fei. _________
N: Yes. I hear Huanggang is a beautiful city. By the way, where are you going?
L: I’m going to relax myself by West Lake. _________
N: Sure, I’d love to.
(Ten minutes later.)
N: Look! There are so many people boating on the lake. Why?
L: _________ Qu Yuan was a great poet in ancient China. On that day, we also throw zongzi into the lake or river.
N: Sounds very interesting. _________
L: You’re welcome. Oh, Nancy. I have to leave now. I’ll prepare for tomorrow’s final exam.
N: ________ Good bye!
L: Bye-bye!

A. Would you like to go there with me?
B. When did you come to Huanggang?
C. Oh, they’re preparing for tomorrow’s Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan.
D. OK. Good luck to you!
E. Are you on a vacation here?
F. Could you tell me something about Dragon Boat Festival?
G. Thank you for telling me a lot.
来源:2015中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

【湖南省张家界市2015年中考英语试题】写句子(共5小题,满分10分)根据上下文补全对话。Jack: Hi, Claire, ______________________________?
Claire: Hmm ... next week? Oh, it’s quite full for me, Jack.
Jack: Really? _________________________?
Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.
Jack: ________________________________?
Claire: I’m learning swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week every Monday.
Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?
Claire:___________________, on Wednesday and Thursday.
Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?
Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?
Jack: ___________________! I’m glad to.

来源:2015中考真题分项汇编 第2期 专题29 补全对话
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知