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---_______does your mother watch the talk show?
---Once a week.

A.How long B.How often
C.How soon D.How many
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_________ it is snowing, _________ they are still working.

A.Though; / B./; though
C.But; though D.Though; but
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The weather in Guiyang in summer is ___than that in DuYun.. They are different.

A.cool B.more hotter
C.hot D.much cooler
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  • 难度:未知

This backpack is not expensive. And the price of it is the ____of the three.

A.lowest B.biggest C.highest D.smallest
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It’s bad for your eyes _____computer games too much.

A.plays B.to play C.play D.to playing
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---Do you play computer games?
---No,_______. I don’t like them at all.

A.always B.often C.usually D.never
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Li Hua’s shoes are as_________ as Li Hui’s.

A.cheap B.cheaper
C.the cheaper D.cheapest
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Timmy told me that you read _____on the Internet.

A.something interesting B.anything interesting
C.interested something D.interested anything
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My mother ____me to read for 30 minutes every morning.

A.wants B.makes C.has D.lets
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I hope _____on time.

A.her to come B.she can come
C.she can comes D.her comes
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Linda and her sister_________ quiet and they__________sports.

A.are both; both like B.are both; like both
C.both are; both like D.both are; like both
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Can you finish ____the book in about a week?

A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads
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  • 难度:未知

There are many coats, she’d like to choose the ____one to save money for a book.

A.cheapest B.cheaper
C.more expensive D.most expensive
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  • 难度:未知

Huangguoshu Waterfall is very popular and _______tourists visit it year by year.

A.more and more B.fewer and fewer
C.less and less D.more or less
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  • 难度:未知

---Why do you like The Legend of Phoenix(凤凰传奇)_________?
---Because they choose songs ____.

A.best, the most careful
B.most, the most careful
C.best, the most carefully
D.most, the most carefully
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Ten minutes later, the sun started to come up ..

A.made B.makes C.begins D.began
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He often reads English for more than two hours a day.

A.above B.over C.about D.Less than
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Exercise such as playing basketball is fun.

A.for example B.as C.like D.seem
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The man doesn’t have moneyso he can’t buy  a gift for his son.

A.is creative B.is poor
C.is careful D.is busy
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  • 难度:未知

We had a good time at the party.

A.were surprised B.enjoyed ourselves
C.felt excited D.had funny
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  • 难度:未知

Friends are very important in people’s lives. Some have      views and interests, but      like the same things. Should friends be different       the same? In my opinion, I don’t care. I have two best friends, Wang Lei and Lin Ying. Wang Lei      like me. I am       than most of the students in my class, and Wang Lei is also quiet. And we both enjoy    . On weekends, we often go to the library . But the other friend of mine, Lin Ying, is     different from me. She is much more outgoing, and she likes          and often makes me laugh. She also likes        , so she is more athletic(体格健壮的). I don’t think differences are important in a    . What’s your opinion?

A.same B.different C.active D.free

A.some B.another C.other D.the other

A.and B.but C.or D.then

A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.does D.is

A.quiet B.quieter C.outgoing D.more outgoing

A.reading books B.playing games C.watching TV D.going to the movies

A.not B.more C.quite D.lots of

A.doing sports B.telling jokes C.going the parties D.going shopping

A.sports B.books C.movies D.subjects

A.match B.corcert C.family D.friendship
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  • 难度:未知

Once a young man was travelling on a bike. He went a long way. At noon he felt very hungry. He wanted very much to find a restaurant to have a meal there, but he didn’t know where to find one. Just then an old woman was coming. “Maybe she knows,”he thought. So he came up to her and asked, “Hey, where is the nearest restaurant?”
“Sorry, I don’t know, young man.”
The young man was just going away when he heard the woman’s words, “Oh, yes, young man, you’ve just dropped something.”
The young man turned backed and asked, “What have I dropped something?”
“You’ve dropped your manners(礼貌).”
The young man traveled ___________.

A.on foot B.by plane
C.on a train D.by bike

After he went a long way, he ___________.

A.felt very thirsty B.felt very hungry
C.didn’t want to walk on D.wanted to turn back

.At noon he wanted to ___________.

A.have a rest B.see an old woman
C.find something to eat D.listen to the radio

He asked the old woman to ____________.

A.give him something to eat
B.show him the way to the nearest restaurant
C.give him something to drink
D.have lunch with him

The old woman didn’t tell him where the nearest restaurant was, because _________.

A.the young man was not polite
B.she didn’t feel hungry
C.she didn’t understand what the young man said
D.she was a stranger there, too.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Michael Jordan was born on February 17,1963 in Brooklym ,N.Y. And he graduated from North Carolina College. There are four people in his family, his wife Juanita, his sons Jeffrey and Marcus. His favorite food is seafood. His position is board and his favorite sports are golf and football except basketball.
His awards won:
Won a 1982 NCAA Named the Century’s Greatest Athlete.
Men’s Basketball Title.
Won an Olympic Gold Medal in Men’s Basketball.
Won a NBA Title 6 times.(91, 92, 93 ,96, 97, 98)
Broke a NBA play-offs scoring record by scoring 63 in 1986 versus the Boston Celtics.
Named NBA Most Valuable Player 5 times.( 88, 91, 92, 96, 98)
When was Michael born?

A.February 17th, 1998. B.February 17th 1963
C.Brooklyn, N. Y. D.1991

Which college did he graduate from?

A.North Carolina college. B.Brooklyn, N. Y.
C.Washington. D.New York.

When was the first time that he was named NBA Most Valuable Player?

A.In 1963. B.In 1988.
C.In 1991. D.In 1982.

What’s his position?

A.Goalkeeper B.Board
C.Midfielder D.Striker

What’s his favorite sport except basketball?

A.Football B.Golf C.Swimming D.A and B
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  • 难度:未知

Which is the biggest country in the world? Well, look at the map and you’ll know it is Russia. Then the following are Canada, China, the USA and Brazil. Among them, China has the largest number of people, with the population(人口) reaching about 1.3 billion(十亿).Canada has the longest coastline. The total length of the coastline(海岸线总长度) is about 202 080 kilometers. It is long enough to go around the earth six times.
Which is the largest island in the world, do you know? Is that Hawaii? No, it is much smaller than the largest island in the world—Greenland. Greenland is to the northeast of Canada. 81% of its land is covered with(覆盖) ice. It is very cold there, so there are only about 56000 people living on the island.

The largest country of the world
The country with the largest population
The total length of Canada’s coastline
The largest island in the world
The population of Greenland
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Do you like ball game?
B. ____________________.
A. Which ball game do you like best, football, basketball, or Ping-Pong?
B. ________________.
A. I think I like football best.
B. _________________. But I like basketball better than football.
A. ________________.
B. Yes, most of the boys in my class are good at it.
B. Sorry, I’m afraid not. We’ll have a class meeting this afternoon.

A. Very much.
B. Shall we have a basketball game after school?
C. It’s hard to say. What about you?
D. Football is very popular in our school.
E. Are you good at basketball?
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I didn’t buy________(something) for my daughter during this trip.
Lucy has ________(many) apples than her sister Lily.
Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some________(information) about the missing plane.
There are many ________(different) between American food and Chinese food.
December is the ________(twelve) month of the year.
He _________(try) to cook for his mother on mother’s Day.
It’s very important for us ___________(keep) healthy.
Bill ________(not do) his homework this afternoon.
I want to go ________(fish) tomorrow.
We planned _________(make) a school radio program.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


be,  stop,  from,  buy,  look,  one,  see,  give,  much,  ask

A train ____ at a small station. A man _____ out of the window and ___ a woman selling cakes. People from the train were _____ them. The man wanted to buy _____, but the woman was standing far _____ the train. Suddenly he saw a boy walking past him. “Come here, boy!” the man said, “How __ is the cake, do you know?” “One yuan for each,” the boy answered.
The man __ the boy two yuan and       him to buy two cakes. “One for me and the other for you.” he said to the boy. In a minute, the boy came back. He was eating a cake. He gave the man one yuan and said. “There ____ only one cake.”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

今天是Robert 妈妈的生日。假设你是Robert, 请根据今天的Robert 的活动写一篇日记,词数在60词左右。
2.饭后去商店买了一束康乃馨(a bunch of carnations);
3.一家人去水族馆玩 (aquarium) 了一上午,拍了许多照片,还遇到了几个好朋友;
October 30, 2015

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