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—Is this your schoolbag?
—Yes,it is.It belongs to________.

来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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—I have finished________the model plane.Would you like to see it?

D.to make
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  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The rich man has five________dollars.He is generous and he has decided to give away some money to charity.

C.million of
D.millions of
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  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The good news made me________excited.

B.to feel
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  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We plan to travel around.But we haven’t decided where________.

D.to go
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  • 题型:未知
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The man came to the town in 2009;he________there for five years.

C.will live
D.has lived
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Where is Jim?
—He________to the school library.

B.has been
C.has gone
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—How long have you________the computer?
—For about two months.

来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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They are looking forward________their new English teacher.

A.to meeting
B.to meet
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  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They________in the company since 2000.

B.are working
C.will work
D.have worked
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—What do you think of the book report?
—I have no idea,because I________lt yet.

A.didn’t read
B.don’t read
C.won’t read
D.haven’t read
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Writing stories________what I enjoy most.
—That’s why you are good at________.

C.are;to write
D.is;to write
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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(浙江湖州)—The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is on these days.It’s fantastic.
—Really?But I________it yet.

A.didn’t see
B.won’t see
C.haven’t seen
D.am not seeing
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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—Do you like pop music?
—Yes,I do.________,I am a super fan of pop music.

来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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The old man and his wife have lived in the small village________they retired.

A.ever since
B.even though
C.as soon as
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
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Mr.and Mrs.Green were very worried about their son,Leo.He seemed to be dumb(哑的)________he was normal in every other way.Mr.and Mrs.Green tried everything to get him to________,but with no success.
When Leo was six years old,the best doctors in the town__________him carefully,but could find nothing wrong.And he seemed to be smart.It was just that he__________spoke.
“There might be something wrong with his__________,and he doesn’t know he’s able to speak.”one doctor said.
“But he can read and write.”said Mr.Green.“We’ve written him notes,telling him that he can speak.”
“It’s certainly very_____________.”another doctor said.“Perhaps he’ll be able to speak some day.”
_________ passed.Leo went to university.But he did not speak a_________word.
Then one day,Leo was having a meal with his parents.Without any warning,he looked up from his________and said,“Pass me the salt,please.”
Mr.and Mrs.Green were excited.“You spoke!You spoke!”they cried,“Why have you__________so long to speak?”
“I didn’t have anything to say.”he said.“Until now everything was perfect.But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes.”

A.because B.when C.though D.before

A.speak B.walk C.play D.laugh

A.taught B.found C.examined D.asked

A.never B.often C.usually D.always

A.back B.hair C.face D.mind

A.unfair B.strange C.noisy D.quiet

A.Hours B.Weeks C.Months D.Years

A.good B.right C.single D.new

A.chair B.meal C.hands D.books

A.slept B.walked C.served D.waited

来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Leo the Snow Leopard
By Craig Hatkoff
  It was written by the best storyteller.The story is about Leo,a young snow leopard(雪豹)that was helped by a kind man in the snowy mountains in Pakistan.Snow leopards are in danger.Leo was just two months old when he was found and he could not live in the wild on his own.

Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?
By Sabbithry Persad
  Tiana has been learning about recycling at school.But after her dog,Bubbles,gets lost chasing after a recycling truck,she decides to learn a lot more about recycling! Following Tiana,readers will learn how to take care of the environment.

The Scrap Kins Build
By Brian Yanish
  Meet the Scrap Kins.They are friendly monsters.In the book,they’ll show you how to turn rubbish into some pretty cool things.Readers will learn how to make toy planes from plates,bags,old clothes and more.You know what they say:One person’s rubbish is another person’s love.

Explore(探索)Life Cycles!
By Kathleen M.Reilly
  Do you know the largest seed(种子)in the world or an egg can weigh up to 4 pounds? You’ll learn about all of these things and more with the latest book in the Explore Your World series(系列).The books give readers a good look into the life cycles of plants and animals on the Earth.

How old was Leo when he was found?

A.Four months old.
B.Two years old.
C.Three months old.
D.Two months old.

If Jim is interested in making toys from rubbish,he will probably like to read________.

A.Leo the Snow Leopard
B.The Scrap Kins Build
C.Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?
D.Explore Life Cycles!

The four books are all about________.

A.nature and the environment
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
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Gabriel Garcia Márquez,who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982,passed away at the age of 86 on April 17,2014.The world paused to remember the cultural giant(巨匠).

Garcia Márquez was born in Colombia,but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City.As one of the most famous writers,he was widely regarded as“a giant of 20th-century literature”.Garcia Márquez wrote in a style called“magical realism(魔幻现实主义)”.In such works,people live a daily life in a certain period of time in history.But meanwhile,magical things happen to them.
Garcia Márquez is best known for his 1967 novel,One Hundred Years of Solitude(《百年孤独》),which has sold about 50 million copies.It tells the tale of the small and Isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the outside world—of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years.The story is a metaphor(暗喻)for the development of Colombia since the 19th century.As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said,Garcia Márquez wrote about“the very essence(精髓)of the Latin American being”.
Garcia Márquez was born in the year________.


We can know from Paragragh 2 that Garcia Márquez________.

A.was born in Mexico City
B.spent most of his adult life in Colombia
C.had a writing style called“magical realism”
D.was famous but lived a simple daily life

The underlined word“isolated”means________.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Garcia Márquez?

A.He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.
B.His novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was a great success.
C.He was widely known as“a giant of 20th-century literature”.
D.Magical things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.

The writer quotes(引述)from the President to________.

A.praise Garcia Márquez for his achievement
B.show the deep sadness of the President
C.explain the writing style of Garcia Márquez
D.describe the character of Garcia Márquez
来源:2015年人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 8练习卷
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知