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— I like playing ____ football on the playground.
— But I like playing ______ piano at home.

A.a; the B.\; the C.the; \ D.an; \
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

— ______ do you usually come to school?
--- ______ bike.

A.How; On B.What; By
C.How; By D.When; At
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

– _______ does he likes giraffes?
-- Because they are ______.

A.What; ugly B.Why; smart
C.Why; terrible D.How; scary
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Trees are animals’ homes, so we shouldn’t ________.

A.cut down them B.cut they down
C.cut them down D.cut down they
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

--- _____ do you ______the book?
--- It’s very interesting.

A.What; think of B.What; like
C.How; think D.What; think
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our teacher always helps us ______ our English.

A.for B.into C.on D.with
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary, ______ girl, wants to be a doctor.

A.a 8-year-old B.an 8-years-old
C.an 8-year-old D.a 8 years old
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It ______ Mr. Smith half an hour _____ get to his office.

A.spends; \ B.need; to
C.takes; to D.take; to
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I always get up ______ six o’ clock ______ the morning.

A.at; in B.in; in
C.on; at D.about; on
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Miss Dean is good ______ music, and she is good ______ her students.

A.to; with B.for; at
C.with; in D.at; with
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Scott has an interesting ______. He ______ at a radio station.

A.job; works B.job; jobs
C.work; works D.work; jobs
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

-- ______ do you live from school?    – About 5 minutes’ walk.

A.How many B.How long
C.How far D.How often
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

______ arrive late for class. You must be ____ time.

A.Not; On B.Don’t; Of
C.Be; at D.Don’t; on
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

-- ______ he ______ a book?
-- Yes, he is.

A.Does; read B.Is; read
C.Is; reading D.Does; reading
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

-- _____________________
-- It’s windy and cold.

A.What’s the weather? B.What’s the weather like?
C.How’s the weather like? D.How the weather?
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)
Hello, everyone! I’m Liu Yue. I       China. Now I’m studying in a middle school in New York. The       is great. I like it very much.
I’m studying new      , like science. It’s my favorite       it’s very interesting. And I’m also       how to use the Internet .Now I can use it very       and I can       e-mails and send(发送) them to people. I’m making a lot of new       here. They are very      . I usually do sports with them       weekends. Sometimes        stay in the sports hall to play ping-pong and sometimes go out to       soccer. I like my life      .
        your school? Can you tell me       you’re doing in your school?

A.go to B.am from C.am D.leave

A.trip B.host C.school D.dream

A.sports B.rules C.dances D.subjects

A.or B.because C.but D.before

A.learning B.teaching C.saying D.asking

A.good B.late C.bad D.well

A.read B.write C.bring D.remember

A.friends B.work C.homework D.books

A.bad B.friendly C.funny D.terrible

A.on B.in C.of D.about

A.they B.we C.I D.he

A.play B.have C.make D.be

A.very B.good C.a lot D.a lot of

A.Where B.How C.What D.How about

A.who B.what C.when D.why

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My brother and I like sports very much. We like running, playing basketball, swimming and so on(等等). Of all the sports we like swimming best. Swimming is really interesting. If (如果)you swim in the pool, you look like a lovely fish. Very cool! You will be happy if you can swim.
If you often swim, you will be healthy. Swimming can bring you a lot of fun. Come and enjoy swimming with us in the following(下列的) two clubs.

Sports   Club
Swimming           Mon----Sun.      8:00 p.m.----9:00 p.m.
Basketball           Mon----Sun.      8:00 a.m.-----5:00 p.m.
Volleyball            Sat.-----Sun.     10:00 a.m.-----6:00 p.m.
Tel: 4562435         E-Mail: star@sina.com


              Health   Club
Swimming          Mon----Fri.        3:00 p.m.----8:00 p.m.
Basketball          Fri----Sun.         8:30 a.m.-----6:00 p.m.
Tel: 7899654

The writer and his brother like ___________ best of all.
A. sports           B. basketball         C.  swimming
The writer thinks it’s ___________ to swim often.
A. very boring       B. like a cool fish     C. good for health
The writer wants to swim on Sunday. Where can he go?
A. Sports Club.      B. Health Club.       C. A and B
If you want to join them in swimming in the afternoon, where can you find them?
A. Sports Club.      B. Health Club.       C. A and B
Which club can you send(发送) e-mails to?
A. Sports Club.     B. Health Club.        C. A and B

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In my city, there is a big zoo. There are a lot of animals in it. Mona is an Australian koala. She is six years old. She is very cute. She likes sleeping in the day. But at night she gets up and eats leaves(叶子). Mona doesn’t drink water for months. But she is healthy, because she can get water from the leaves.
There is a big house in the zoo. A lion lives in it. His name is Dick. He is ugly. He is from South Africa. Meat is his favorite food. He is very lazy. He sleeps and relaxes for 15 hours every day. Today is Dick’s sixth birthday. The workers in the zoo are having a birthday party for him.
This is a big elephant. His name is Johnny. He comes from South Africa. He’s eleven years old. He has bad eyesight (视力). He likes to eat grass. He’s friendly and clever. People can teach him to do something for them.
Yuanyuan is a cute panda. She is five years old. She’s from China. She is very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please keep quiet. She likes eating bamboos (竹子) and drinking water. She relaxes about 10 hours every day.
From the passage, we know Mona ________.

A.is not healthy.
B.gets water from the leaves
C.likes playing in the day
D.drinks much water every day

_________ likes eating meat.

A.Mona B.Dick C.Yuanyuan D.Johnny

_________ are from the same country.

A.Mona and Yuanyuan B.Mona and Johnny
C.Dick and Johnny D.Dick and Mona

Which of the following is true?(下面哪一个是对的)

A.Dick is seven years old.
B.Johnny can’t see things very well.
C.Yuanyuan can draw pictures.
D.Dick sleeps for 20 hours every day.

What does the passage talk about?

A.A party of animals.
B.A zoo in the city
C.Different(不同的) animals in a zoo.
D.Animals in different countries.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to our museum(博物馆). It’s free. You don’t have to pay(花费) any money(钱). But we have some rules for you. Please remember them and do as I say. Firstly, don’t have food or drink here. You may make our museum dirty. Secondly, you can take photos here, but don’t touch (触摸) the things here. Thirdly, keep quiet in the museum. Don’t talk loudly. Fourthly, the museum is not open after five o’clock in the afternoon. Please leave (离开) before five. Have a good time here! Thank you.
There are some rules for the          .

A.store B.park C.school D.museum

What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “free” in the article?

A.免费的 B.迅速的 C.高兴的 D.自由的

Students can            in the museum.

A.have food and drink B.take photos
C.touch the things D.talk loudly

Students can stay in the museum          .

A.all day B.before 5:00 a.m.
C.before 5:00 p.m. D.after 5:00 p.m.

We can learn that           from the article(文章).

A.students don’t want to pay any money
B.the museum has five rules for the students
C.the speaker who tells the students the rules is a teacher
D.the speaker hopes(希望) the students have a good time
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写 根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题纸上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。(共10小题,计10分)
-- Is it 9:15 now ?    – Yes, it’s a q___________ past nine.
Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s d____________ zongzi.
--What’s thirty and seventy ?    –It’s one h____________.
There is a park b____________ my home and the bank.
It’s cold in winter and hot in s______________.
May I take a ____________(信息) for him?
Tigers are in _____________(危险) now.
Ok. See you_____________(明天) evening。
I think your ____________(梦想) will come true.
My family are on a _____________(假期) in the mountains.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Lucy,
Thanks for    (write) to me. How’s it     (go)? Let me     (tell) you something about my family’s activites. Because the weather here is    (rain). My family are all at home. My grandfather is      (watch) TV now. He usually   (watch) TV in the afternoon. My mother wants     (go) shopping, but she can’t go. She is making cakes with my grandmother now. They like     (make) cakes. My brothers and I are having a great time    (play) computer games. My father are happy to see his    (child) playing happily.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读表达 (共5小题,计5分)
Tanzania(坦桑尼亚) has _________ animals, such as lions, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and so on(等等). Every year, many people in the world travel to this African country to watch the animals closely. But do you know how they travel?
By bus --This is the most common way. When people get on a bus, they'll find that the bus is a little strange(奇怪). It is different from the buses we often see. There are no big windows(窗户) at all, but some small windows. And it looks like a cage. What are they used for? Oh, people can use it to watch animals and take photos.
By boat --We can often see many people are in a boat, enjoying the beautiful things along a river or a lake, and they can also enjoy the hippos(河马) and crocodiles from a nearer distance.
By hot balloon(热气球) --In the early morning, when the sun is beginning to rise, a large hot balloon is also starting its tour. Taking a hot balloon makes most of the tourists excited. After some time, the balloon will land in a certain place, and the waiters will give people delicious and special breakfast. But the cost of taking a hot balloon is also very high. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hour's trip
“such as ” 的汉语意思是__________________________________________________
How many ways of transportation(交通方式) are mentioned in the passage?
Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.(写出划线句子的汉语意思)
___________________________ is the most common way of traveling in Tanzania.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知