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The food looked __________ (可怕的), but it tasted OK.
Rubbish was piled everywhere. It was __________ (令人厌恶的).
I saw a little girl sitting and __________ (啜泣) in the corner and went up to her.
The Greens threw away all their __________ (破旧的) furniture and moved into a new apartment.
The player was sent off for arguing with the __________ (裁判).
He stood at the balcony to o__________ his neighbour's hall.
Will the color in this material f__________?
He is three years j__________ to me.
If I could change the a__________, I would put U and I together!
He refused to c__________ his principles.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

deep in sth __________________________________________________
show... in __________________________________________________
in need of __________________________________________________
fade out __________________________________________________
伪装的,假扮的 __________________________________________________
一把,少数的 __________________________________________________
就……来说,从……角度 ___________________________________________

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.
Helen borrowed my book the other day, saying that she would return it soon.
Once you've decided to do something, you should do it well.
Seize the chance, otherwise you'll regret it.
Sometimes it is quite easy for us to overlook our own faults.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A: overlook, ignore
You've been __________ me.
He __________ a spelling error on the first page.
B: show off, show around
He __________ me __________ the school for three hours.
She __________ her necklace before the public.

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  • 难度:未知

If we all agree to make __________ with each other when we are in disputes, wars are forever gone and we are surely live in peace.

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  • 难度:未知

__________ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped __________ the beautiful scenery.

A.Tiring; to admire
B.Being tired; admiring
C.Tired; to admire
D.Tired; admiring
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I can judge that they __________ the enormous risks involved.

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  • 难度:未知

—Tom, you are caught late again.
—Oh, __________.

A.not at all
B.just my luck
C.never mind
D.that's all right
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  • 难度:未知

Suddenly she began to __________, holding herself in as if weeping was a shame.

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  • 难度:未知

My memory of the happy days we spent together will not __________ as time goes by.

A.look ahead
B.pay off
C.fade out
D.take in
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  • 难度:未知

He __________ a spelling mistake on the front page cbecause he finished his English paper in a hurry.

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  • 难度:未知

"You must keep your promise," said the little prince, softly, as he sat down beside me __________.

A.no more
B.at most
D.once more
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

__________ on rescuing her daughter, the poor mother has been searching the ruins for days.

A.To bent
B.Being bent
D.Having bent
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was not just the size of the party last night __________ made it unique, but __________ it meant to our company.

A.what; that
B.that; what
C.what; what
D.that; that
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While Colonel Pickering was admiring Henry Higgins that he could           a hundred and thirty vowel sounds, Eliza, who they had met          , came to ask to see Higgins. She was dirty with dirty           and badly dressed. Henry wanted the housekeeper to           at first because he thought she was useless. After Colonel Pickering betted that if Henry could           the girl as a lady, he would pay for the lesson, Henry had to          and decided to teach her. But he asked the girl to be cleaned first and throw away her           clothes. The girl was forced to follow the requirement and went out with Mrs Pearce.
Then, Henry told Pickering that he should teach her not only          but grammar which she was          . In order to teach her well, they made a best plan and decided to begin her lessons with the          .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This musical play was based on an __________ (adapt) of a famous book.
I've eaten so much. I'm really quite __________ (comfortable).
My mom doesn't like pets. She thinks they are __________ (trouble).
(fortunate) __________, there were no wounded persons in the accident.
You should look up the right __________ (pronounce) of this word in the dictionary.
Their efforts to improve the production have been very __________ (effect).
It's __________ (disgust) that there are no schools or hospitals for these people.
It was then that I made his __________ (acquaint) and we became good friends.
She answered without a moments __________ (hesitate).
Some young people like pop music, while stillothers like __________ (class) music.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

经理告诉他的秘书把那位老人领进来。 (show... in)
他的要价超出我愿付的数目,因而我们相互妥协,商定了一个双方都可以接受的价钱。 (compromise)
请再唱一遍那首歌。 (once more)
随着冬天的临近,那些无家可归的人非常需要暖和的衣服。 (in need of)
在这个项目开始时,我忽视了这个问题。 (overlook)
喧闹声渐渐消失了,整座城市陷入了寂静中。 (fade out)
就质量而言,没有任何公司能和我们相比。 (in terms of)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of Britain's favorite pastimes, gardening is to be celebrated during the Olympics. Last week, the Olympics minister Tessa Jowell announced a public competition to design a typical British garden within London's new Olympic park.
Jowell said the idea behind the competition was to show off to the world one of the nation's favorite hobbies. It's likely the government also hopes that the competition will inspire more Brits to take an interest in the Olympics. It's a good plan, as the British love gardens almost as much as they love tea.
Gardening is an iconic activity in Britain. In many ways it defines Brits, perhaps because they are some of the world's keenest gardeners. The garden is seen as a private retreat (清净的场所) in the UK. Most Brits would far rather sit in their garden for instance than visit a park. They see their garden as an extension of their house outdoors, which is why so many Brits are as garden-proud as they are houseproud. There also seems to be something about the nourishing (滋养的) act of gardening that appeals tothe nation's gentle temperament (气质).
Interestingly, gardening has never been as widely enjoyed as it is today in Britain. Its growing popularity is no doubt due to people's increased awareness of the environment and the success of several popular gardening programs.
Historically, Brits are also skillful gardeners. As Jowell noted when she made her announcement, if gardening were an Olympic sport then green-fingered Brits "would win gold, silver and bronze".
Of course, the irony of Brits' passion for gardening is that their climate is so wet that there are very few months in the year they can sit outside and enjoy their gardens. In fact, it may be the very precious-ness of these few warm months that make gardens so prized and valued by Brits.
What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Brits' favorite tea.
B.Brits' favorite pastime in the garden.
C.A public competition.
D.A typical British garden.

The purpose of the competition is __________.

A.to support the 2012 London Olympics
B.to require participants to design a typical British garden in their backyard
C.to attract foreign visitors
D.to show off one of the favorite hobbies

The underlined word "iconic" in the third paragraph means __________.


Which of the following sentences does NOT contribute to people's love for gardens in Britain?

A.Brits think of their gardens as an extension of their house outdoors.
B.Brits value the short warm months when they get to enjoy their gardens.
C.Brits do not have many public parks to relax themselves in.
D.Brits' gentle temperament makes them enjoy something like gardening.

What can we conclude from the passage?

A.Brits love their gardens more than they love their houses.
B.Brits enjoy sitting in their gardens as much as sitting in a park.
C.Brits don't adore gardening as much as before.
D.Brits are known to love gardening as much as they love tea.
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  • 难度:未知

(2011·临沂模拟) __________ time goes on, people demand better housing and jobs.

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(2011·潍坊模拟) In order to prepare for college entrance examination, it was __________.

A.not until midnight did he go to bed
B.until midnight that he didn't go to bed
C.not until midnight that he went to bed
D.until midnight when he didn't go to bed
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(2012·浙江模拟) __________ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

A.Not realized
B.Not to realize
C.Not realizing
D.Not to have realized
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

__________ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she'd like that little doll on her bed.

B.To see
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  • 难度:未知