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课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2

The p ________will give you more information about our new product.
I feel really happy to be e ________by this famous university to teach advanced English.
Many young soldiers helped to rescue people from the fire of the hotel. One of them was killed and some were i ________.
This machine is used to m  ________ a patient’s pulse.
He seems to be honest and trusted, but in r________he often tells lies.

来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Please ________the numbers and I’m sure they will   more than 1 000.

A.add; add up
B.add up; add up
C.add up; add up to
D.add; add up
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---Look! He’s running so fast!
---Hard to ________ his legs were once broken.

来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

More and more rich people have promised to ________their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled.(2013.河北衡水中学)

A.give away
B.give up
C.give out
D.give in
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Gun control is a subject ________ Americans have argued for a long time. (2009 .陕西)

A.of which
B.with which
C.about which
D.into which
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people didn’t accept the theory when it was first ________.
A. set about   
B. set off
C. put forward  

来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Few people have ever ________deep into this well, for it is extremely dangerous.

A.risked going
B.tried to go
C.trys going
D.risked to go
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---What do  you mean ________ saying ‘The  boy  is overgrowing’ ?
---I mean that he is tall ________ his age. (2013 .河北五校联盟调研)

A.about; with
B.as to; for
C.by; for
D.by; to
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A.To wait
B.Have waited
C.Having waited
D.To have waited
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I ________so much fried chicken just now.

A.shouldn’t eat
B.mustn’t have eaten
C.shouldn’t have eaten
D.mustn’t eat
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They must have been enjoying themselves there, otherwise they ________so long.

A.can’t have stayed
B.wouldn’t have stayed
C.needn’t have stayed
D.couldn ’t stay
来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


give up   give off  give away  give out  give in

My money is beginning to ________at the end of this month, so I have to ask my parents to give me more.
The plastic ________ a kind of strange and smelly smell as it is burned.
The local government refused to ________to the unreasonable(不合理的)demands of the villagers.
Never  ________ if you haven’t had a try.
They decided to ________the clothes they weren’t going to wear to the people in the poor area.

来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

他是一个有幽默感的人。( sense)
参观者对这座城市过去10年的变化感到吃惊。(be amazed at)
不但学生们喜欢这本书,而且老师也喜欢。(r(not only. . . but also)
我们应该提出一个有效的方法拿来改善我们的英语学习o (put forward)

来源:2015年课时同步(译林牛津版)高二M4 unit3 .2
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知