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1.regular    A.production    B.1anguage   C.popular   D.minute
2.weight    A.height       B.ceiling    C.foreign   D.neighbour
3.special    A.musical      B.ocean     C.medicine  D.biscuit
4.perfect    A.elect        B.prevent    C.effect    D.problem
5.merchant  A.machine      B.achieve    C.stomach  D.technology

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  • 难度:未知

一Would you be so kind as to take this heavy box upstairs for me?

A.It’s my pleasure. B.Help yourself.
C.Sure,with pleasure. D.Take your time.
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“Cell phone” is a     American usage,but British speakers always use “mobile

A.normal B.common C.formal D.usual
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  • 难度:未知

一Excuse me,sir.You can’t enter     0ffice without     permission.
一But the manager is expecting me.

A.the;a B.an;the C.the;不填 D.不填;不填
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We’ll go early.     ,we may not get a seat.

A.Otherwise B.Meanwhile C.However D.Besides
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When in trouble,remember to stay calm,and everything will     well.

A.turn back B.turn up C.turn down D.turn out
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Good food,good sleep,no exercise.That’s     he gained weight.

A.how B.when C.what D.whether
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With no one     them,the two thieves stole into the house.

A.watch B.watching C.watches D.watched
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一Which T—shirt do you like best?
     .They are both out of fashion and expensive.

A.None B.Neither C.Any D.Both
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That Was the first time she     alone at home during the weekends,bored to death.

A.has left B.has been left C.had left D.had been left
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Jane is not good at sports,but when it     to cooking,she’s excellent.

A.happens B.comes C.does D.occurs
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一When     he know the result of today’s job interview?
一In a couple of days.

A.should B.may C.shall D.must
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Before you decide to leave your job,     the effect it will have on your family.

A.consider B.considering C.to consider D.considered
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Mary liked to look back on her high—school days,     she thought were the happiest in her life.

A.that B.what C.which D.when
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— You should have helped your mom wash the dishes.
—I meant     .But she is always telling me to study.

A.to do B.to C.doing so D.doing
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Andy can go to the cinema together with us     he has finished the task.

A.unless B.as soon as C.until D.as long as
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Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi for a living.I met  2l   people.But none touched me  22   than a woman I picked up late one night.
I received a call from  23  in a quiet part of town.When I arrived at 2:30 a.m.,the building was  24   except for a single light in a ground floor window.I  walked to the door and  25  .“Just a minute,”answered a  26  ,elderly voice.After a long pause,the door opened.A small woman  27   her 80s stood before me.Beside her was a small suitcase.I took it to the taxi.and then returned to  28  the woman.She took my arm and we walked  29   toward the roadside.
Seated,she gave me  30  .“I’m on my way to a hospice(临终关怀医院).I'm in no hurry.Can you drive through downtown?” I saw her eyes shining with  31  in the rearview mirror.“I don’t have any  32   left.”she continued.“The doctor says I don’t have very long.”
During the next two hours’ 33  , sometimes she asked me to  34  in front of a particular building or corner and she  35  stare into the darkness.When we got to the destination,she asked,“How much do I   36  you?” “Nothing,”I said.“You            37  make a living.”she answered.“I have  38   passengers,”I replied,and gave her a hug. She held onto me  39  .“You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,” she said.“Thank you.”
After that,I drove aimlessly,lost in thought.People usually believe that our lives center upon great moments.  40  great moments often catch us unaware,beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

A.honest B.familiar C.various D.similar

A.worse B.more C.better D.1ess

A.a store B.an office C.a clinic D.an apartment

A.dark B.tall C.old D.empty

A.looked B.knocked C.1istened D.pushed

A.clear B.10ud C.sharp D.weak

A.of B.by C.in D.over

A.help B.call C.early D.pull

A.freely C.carelessly D.slowly

A.a notebook B.an address C.a present D.an envelope

A.anger B.delight C.tears D.surprise

A.family B.money C.trouble D.idea

A.discussion B.ride C.silence D.cry

A.hurry B.park C.slow D.circle

A.would B.should C.might D.could

A.provide B.charge C.afford D.owe

A.want to B.used to C.have to D.seem to

A.some B.other C.few D.rich

A.doubtfully B.warmly C.honestly D.tightly

A.And B.But C.So D.although

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Ten years ago,Morgan Zuch,a two—year—old girl from Long Island,New York,was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病).The day that Morgan’s father Rod knew it,he made a promise,“If my daughter gets better,I will devote the rest of my life to helping others who are in the Same condition.”
Fortunately.Morgan recovered gradually,and since then,Rod and his wife Nancy,have been helping other families with cancer.stricken children through the Morgan Center.It is the country’s first preschool for children with cancer.
Because of the risk of germs, children with cancer are usually forbidden from playing with other kids.They must spend their days in hospital rooms or lying in bed at home.The Zuchs believed that children with cancer should have the opportunity to play,too.
The center offers the kids and their families a safe place to connect with others who have the same problem.To reduce the risk of infections,the center's staff wash their own and the children's hands frequently,and provide each child with his or her own toys and supplies.
“You feel like you’re not the sick kid’s mom,”said one child’s mother,Maura Lewinger.“It is nice because none of the parents at the center are alienated(孤立的).”
The Zuchs run the center as a non-profit organization and any family can bring their children to the center for free.Nancy Zuch works as the head teacher-with a little help from her daughter Morgan, now l2 years old.Today,Morgan is strong and healthy,and loves to provide support for the children who are going through the difficult time that she once went through.She says she wants to be a teacher at the Morgan Center when she grows up.
The Zuchs created the Morgan Center     

A.to help their daughter to realize her dream
B.to invite other children to play with their daughter
C.to build a school for their daughter and her friends
D.to provide a healthy place for children with cancer

What can we learn from the text?

A.The kids can share all their toys there.
B.The kids can receive free medical care.
C.The kids have to keep their hands clean.
D.The kids’ parents must pay for the supplies.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Morgan has regained her health.
B.The Center is run by the government.
C.Morgan helps in the Center sometimes.
D.Both kids and parents like the Center.

This text is mainly about     

A.Long Island’s first preschool for kids with cancer
B.the pain that the kids in the Morgan Center suffer
C.the contributions Morgan has made to the Center
D.the Zuchs,the creators of the Morgan Center
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  Windsurfing is a sport that combines sailing and surfing.In 1948,twenty-year-old Newman Darby first thought of using a handheld sail to contro1 a small boat.Darby did not apply for a patent(专利)for his design at first.However,he is recognized as the inventor of the first sailboard.
Californians Jim Drake,a sailor and engineer,and Hoyle Schweitzer,a surfer and skier received the patent for a sailboard.They called their design a windsurfer.The early windsurfer boards measured 3.5 meters long and weighed 60 pounds.Later in the l980s,Newman Darby did apply for and receive a design patent for a one—person sailboat.
In the late l940s,Newman Darby found he could control a 3-meter-long sailboat and make turns even without a rudder(舵).In l964 he designed the first universal joint(万向接头)to go along with a flat bottom sailing boat.This sailboard was equipped with a universal joint,a board and a kite—shaped free sail and thus windsurfing was born.
Naomi Darby,Newman’s wife,was the first woman windsurfer and helped her husband build and design the first sailboard.She sailed while standing up,controlling the boat without the use of a rudder.She tilted(倾斜)the sail to change directions.This was something that had never been done before.
Hoyle Schweitzer began producing sailboards in the early 1970s.The sport became very popular in Europe.By the late 1970s,windsurfing fever had Europe firmly in its grasp with one in every three families having a sailboard.
The first windsurfing world championship was held in 1973.Windsurfing first became an Olympic sport for men in l984 and for women in l992.
Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer received the patent for the design of     

A.a sailboard called windsurfer B.a kite—shaped free sail
C.the first universal joint D.a one—person sailboat

What can we learn from the text?  

A.Hoyle Schweitzer was a sailor and Jim Drake was a surfer.
B.Newman Darby’s wife supported him in his invention.
C.Newman Darby was the first to tilt the sail to change directions.
D.The first world windsurfing competition was held in the late l970s.

Which is the correct order of the following events?
a.Newman Darby thought of controlling a boat with a handheld sail.
b.Newman Darby received his design patent.
c.Windsurfing became popular in Europe.
d.Windsurfing became an Olympic sport for women.

A.acbd B.abcd C.acdb D.bacd

What is the main idea of the text?

A.The invention of windsurfing. B.How windsurfing was popular in the world.
C.The history of windsurfing. D.How windsurfing became an Olympic sport.
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  • 难度:未知

Dear All,
Happy New Year! A list of important dates for this term is attached to this letter.
Interviews for our April and September Primary One classes will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday,18th&19th January.Now is the time to apply for admission to Peak School.
Children are expected to weal their uniforms this term.As is usual at this time of the year,mornings at the school are quite cold and l would suggest children wear their sweaters to school.As the temperature goes up during the day,children tend to take off their outer clothes,so it is important that all sweatshirts are labeled(贴有标签).
I have received a few requests from parents asking if their children can wear summer uniforms this term.I am of the view that all children in the school should follow the school policy and be dressed in the appropriate uniforms.In the longer term,a number of US at school have questioned the need to have a winter and summer uniform.Perhaps.with careful consideration,we can develop a uniform that will serve children for the whole academic year.
As the foggy(多雾)mornings start to appear,a number of parents have raised concerns over the safety of those children who walk to school.  Our dark green uniforms are not particularly visible to motorists.Hopefully, the “Uniform Committee” to be set up this term will deal with this particular issue.I will keep parents informed of the channels through which views may be expressed in future newsletters.
We still have a “No Hat,No Play” rule on the playground,so children need to ensure that they have their sunhats in school at all times.
Yours sincerely,
P D Tunesi
The letter was most probably written      

A.when the school year ended
B.before the new term started
C.after kids were admitted to school
D.after kids were interviewed

This letter was mainly written to      

A.teachers B.visitors C.students D.parents

What do we know about the present school uniforms?

A.The school has solved the problems.
B.They are invisible to motorists on foggy days.
C.The school is considering changing them.
D.There is a winter and summer school uniform.

We can infer from the text that      

A.the school has strict rules on uniforms
B.kids can’t have classes without wearing hats
C.parents are satisfied with the uniforms
D.most kids walk to school on foggy mornings
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  • 难度:未知

When Julia Rhodes is asked what she does for a living,she says she is a “wind farmer”.While her job is operation manager for wind farm owner RES-Gen:Rhodes is responsible for making sure their l4 wind farms in the UK and Ireland are using the power of the wind to produce power for homes and businesses.
RES-Gen is a division of leading renewable energy group Renewable Energy Systems(RES),a UK-based company with global operations.  RES was one of the pioneers of wind energy technology.It built the UK’s second wind farm in l992.Since then:RES has built more than 40 wind farms across four continents.
Rhodes graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in manufacturing engineering.  Following that,she received a master's degree in renewable energy systems technology specializing in wind energy.  Rhodes has worked in the wind sector ever since, providing technical support for two leading wind farm developers before joining RES in 2001.
RES’s projects are continually monitored by computer and checked remotely on a daily basis.Regular servicing is carried out by contractors(承包者),usually every six months. Rhodes always has a top—level view of how well the wind turbines(涡轮)are operating.
Rhodes is a supporter of wind—energy engineering.She also works closely with other departments to keep good relations with the communities around RES’s wind farms.The open days and government officials’ visits show that wind power is popular and that wind projects-are viewed positively.
Renewable energy is a growing sector with attractive career prospects. For Rhodes.as the RES wind farms expand,the team that she manages is expected to increase.She enjoys working for a company with strong engineering roots and a highly respected track record(业绩).Her job as a wind farmer is challenging and enjoyable.“It's great knowing that you are helping to bring about a clean.environment and are contributing to the global community.”
What’s the text mainly about?

A.Julia Rhodes and her work. B.Why Julia Rhodes works in RES.
C.The importance of renewable energy. D.How出e wind can produce Dower.

What can we know about Julia Rhodes?

A.She once worked as a farmer to make a living.
B.She has worked in RES ever since graduation.
C.She likes her job as a wind farmer very much.
D.She is in charge of forty wind farms in the UK.

What can we learn about RES from the text?

A.It built the UK's first wind farm in 2001.
B.It plays a leading role in the wind sector.
C.It is an important branch of RES—Gen.
D.It provides regular servicing for its contractors.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.RES is financially supported by the British government.
B.Wind farms receive a warm welcome around the UK.
C.RES has developed at a high speed during recent years.
D.Rhodes thinks people should create a clean environment.
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  • 难度:未知

  In Colombia, there are some unwritten rules that people are used to. These rules are not officially established, but people do respect them. For example, on a bus, a person keeps a distance from another person, and people don’t like to touch each other. Many people come to work late because they prefer to wait for another bus if the first one is too crowded. They don’t want to have to stand too close to another person, or maybe they are afraid of starting a conversation.
A friend of mine in Colombia once said his mom got angry because he came home late, so he asked her, “Mom, what do you think of most people arriving at their jobs so late?” That gave her the answer to her question since everyone knows no one wants to get on a bus that is too crowded. His mother realized at that moment that customs have a big influence on a person’s life.
Sometimes, people don’t like to make any kind of conversation or make eye contact(接触) with others. For example, when they are in line at a bank, they prefer to look up or down rather than look at other people.
Moreover, people usually look down when they are in an elevator. Not only on a bus, in line at a bank, and in an elevator do people usually avoid talking to other people, but also in the streets when they are walking, they prefer to look down and to avoid contact with others.
Why do many people get to work late in Colombia?

A.They always think the next bus will be better.
B.They don’t want to get on crowded buses.
C.It’s an official rule in Colombia.
D.They get into conversations and miss their buses.

From the text we learn that        

A.customs influence people’s lives B.a mother always understands her son
C.people respect each other in Colombia D.people like to talk in elevators in Colombia

When people in Colombia are in line at banks, they         .

A.make eye contact B.look at other people
C.make conversation D.look up or down

What would be the best title for the text?

A.What People Do in Different Situations B.Avoid Getting on a Crowded Bus
C.Special Customs in Colombia D.Obeying Unwritten Rules
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  • 难度:未知

—Tom,where have you been? I've been so worried.
—Jenny? Is that the girl who studies in a famous university in Chicago?
—N0,she is studying in San Francisco and her parents live in New York.
—0h? What was that?

—A dog?
—Yes,a very nice dog with two big ears and a long tail.
一Not really,but it jumped onto Jenny’s car.
—N0.The most interesting thing was that Jenny found that a tooth of the dog fell out of the dog’s mouth,and just lay on her car,in front of the dog.

A.We chatted and she told me a funny thing over a cup of coffee.
B.I have been at home all the morning.
C.I came across Jenny just now.
D.Was it hurt?

E.She should have been more careful!
F.Were its legs injured?
G.She was driving to her university when she saw a dog running across the road.

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  • 难度:未知

Success comes after many     (失败).
Whoever breaks the law,he or she must be     (处罚).
The     (到达)of the plane has been put off due to the heavy fog.
A     (直的)line is the shortest distance between mo points.
The young man made up a story to explain his     (缺席).
I     (借)that record to John but never got it back.
The new technology in     (生物)is sure to bring benefits to man.
      (比较)with yours,my work of art is far from satisfactory.
It was reported that the driver narrowly     (逃脱)from the burning car.
Studying     (国外)costs ten times as much as studying in China.

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  • 难度:未知

I'm a senior three student.I often do bad in my
exams,so I have been trying to catch up the others.
But I'm such concerned about my marks that sometimes
l cannot eat or sleep well at a night.I’m afraid that
I may get low marks in the tests again even if l work
hard than before. I have no courage to face low marks.
I cannot fix my mind to my study,whenever I think of
This. It is obvious that the worry had a bad effect on
my school works.I’m feeling very sad.Would you
please telling me how I should deal with my worry?

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Boys and girls,good news!
Welcome to the lecture.
The Students’ Union

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