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(1)think         through        thin
(2)were          was           where
(3)turn in       turn into      turn to
(4)each          see           teach
(5)shout          show         shirt

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(1)A. Yes.                  B. Good.                     C. Thank you.
(2)A. Yes, it is.            B. Yes, there is.            C. Yes, I am.
(3)A. Yes, please.          B. No, it isn’t.             C. Yes, I like.
(4)A. They can swim.         B. They like swimming.        C. They are playing a game.
(5)A. Yes, I can.           B. We can.                   C. Yes, I was.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)The ______ boy is very clever.
(2)Long long ago, there ______ some magic birds in the forest.
(3)It is my _____ to say a sentence.
(4)Nancy is __________ hard.
(5)Can you _____ a kite for us?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)The tiger lived near the forest.
(2)There were some flowers in front of the house.
(3)An old man picked a flower.
(4)The tiger was angry.
(5)The tiger shouted at the old woman’s child.

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  • 难度:未知

          beautiful birds!
A. What        B. How         C. Where

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  • 难度:未知

Let’s make some new dresses             the doll.
A. with         B. of           C. for

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My sister is_________the beautiful skirt in the clothes shop now.
A. tries on            B.trying on         C. trying to

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  • 难度:未知

-- Look at my new coat.    -- __________
A. Thank you.         B. How nice!       C.I’m sorry.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There             some bread and two eggs on the table.
A. was          B. were        C. are

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

      like to wear a kilt.
A. The English         B. The Scottish         C. The American 

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  • 难度:未知

I         TV a moment ago.
A. watched     B. looked       C.saw        

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The boy         go swimming, but he         do his homework.
A. wants to, had to     B. wants to, has to        C.wanted to, have to 

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  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Long long ago, there               (be)an old woman.
(2)A little boy                (point)at the king and laughed.
(3)We             (visit)my grandparents last Saturday.
(4)The teachers             (be)at school yesterday.
(5)There             (be)some milk in the glass an hour ago.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Man 1: My king, please                  the clothes.
Man 2:          they fit?
King: Oh, yes. They fit         .

(2)People: Look         the king’s new clothes.
Boy: Ha! Ha! The king          wearing any clothes!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读短文并判断,相符的写T, 不相符的写F。(10分)
Snow White had seven friends. They were seven little men. They lived in a village with Snow White. They were very friendly at home. Little man No.1 could water flowers and plant trees. Little man No.2 could sweep the floor. Little man No.3 could feed the ducks and chickens. Little man No.4 could wash the clothes. Little man No.5 could make the bed every morning. Liitle man No.6 could cook nice food. Little man No.7 could not do anything but play with Snow White. They had a happy family in the village.
(1)There were eight people in this story.
(2)Little man No.1 could not water flowers.
(3)Little man No.7 liked playing with Snow White.
(4)The Chinese meaning of ‘make the bed ’is “制作床”.
(5)They were very happy in the village.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据提示,以“A foolish dog”为题,写一篇小故事,不少于40个单词。
提示(可以用到的词):long long ago, a piece of meat, a small bridge, saw himself in the water, said to himself(自言自语), bark the dog, fell into water
A foolish dog

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  • 难度:未知