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(1)A.blouse     B.out        C.mouse      D.young
(2)A.now        B.brown      C.snow       D.cow
(3)A.near       B.bear       C.hear        D.year
(4)A.bird       B.skirt       C.shirt      D.sister
(5)A.word       B.short      C.sport       D.horse

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

词组英汉互译。 (10分)
(1)去散步  go  ______ a ________
(2)善于 ______ ______ __________
(3)与……一样快______ fast ______
(4)沿着这条街直走go ______ this      
(5)问路___________ the _______
(6)do more exercise              
(7)the only child______________
(8)Bank of China                
(9)That’s all right._________________
(10)Stop thief! ___________________

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How can I get ______?

A.there B.to there C. school D./
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  • 难度:未知

Do you go to school______ than______?

A.early, me B.earlier,me C.earlier, I D.early, I
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  • 难度:未知

Whose school bag is heavier, _________?
A. she or you       B. hers or yours         C. her or you

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---Does Helen run slower than David?
---No,she______. She runs______than David.
A.doesn't,slower     B.does,faster    C. doesn't ,faster   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John jumps as _______ as Mike.
A. farther          B. far           C. farer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Take bus No.6 and get off ____ the third stop, our school is ____ your left.
A. at,in            B. at,on             C.on, in

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I’m good _____ Maths, but I’m not doing well _____ PE.
A. in, at         B. at, in            C. at, at

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The city post office is ______ Zhong Shan Road.
A. on           B. in               C. at

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

_______ school bag is heavier, yours or mine.
A. Whose   B. Who’s      C. Who

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  • 难度:未知

My coat isn’t as good as ________ .
A. you          B. your            C. yours           

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  • 难度:未知


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  • 难度:未知

It is Saturday morning, Li Xia and Li Fang are at h      . They are d       housework. Li Xia usually gets up at six fifty, Li Fang usually gets up at seven twenty. But this moning, Li Fang g     up e         than Li Xia. Li Xia is t       than Li Fang, so she c         the doors and windows. What d         Li Fang usually do ?  She usually cleans the tables. Li Xia cleans
f         than Li Fang. She often helps Li Fang. Li Fang does b         in studying than Li Xia. She often helps Li Xia w       her homework. They like cleaning and studying.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)谁比大卫高? 高山。他也比大卫重。
________ is _________ than David?  Gao Shan is.  He is also ___________ than David.
________ Ben _________  ___________ than Jim?
Yes, he _________.  But he ____________  ___________ than Jim.
_______ the boys ___________ ___________ than the girls?  Yes, _________do.
(4)你能告诉我去邮局的路吗? 可以。沿着这条路走,然后在第三个十字路口向右拐弯。
Can you _________ __________ the _________to the post __________?
Sure. Go __________ this street, and then turn________ at the ___________ crossing.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The students in Grade Six are going to face(面对)the biggest exams(考试). They study very hard(努力). Everyday they do a lot of exercise(练习)on Chinese, Maths and English. Also after school, they will do their homework until(直到)very late at night.
Li Jun is a student in Class Two. He does very well in most of the subjects; only his Chinese is not so good. His mother asks him to read more Chinese books. So after finishing(结束)all his homework, he has to do some reading for an hour(小时). He would like to study at No. 1 Middle School. Li Yan is Li Jun’s cousin in Class Three. She likes singing and dancing very much. She took part in(参加)many singing and dancing contests(比赛)and won some awards(奖). She’s going to choose Jinxing Art School. If she passed(通过)the exams, her parents will let her visit London as a present.
(1)Li Jun is good at________.
A. Maths and Chinese   
B. Maths and English     
C. Chinese and English
(2)Li Jun must read Chinese for an hour everyday, because ________
A. he likes reading books            
B. he wants to do better in Chinese  
C. he doesn’t want to do his homework
(3)Li Jun is Li Yan’s________ .
A. relative              
B. sister               
C. classmate
(4)London is a city in ________ . 
A. the U.S.A.           
B. the U.K.             
C. France
(5)“The biggest exams” means the exams are ________.
A. very big        
B. very difficult(难)  
C. very important(重要)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s the last lesson before the holiday . The students are very happy . Their English teacher is very happy , too . He plays some nice games with them and sings some nice songs with them . Then he goes to the blackboard and writes “smiles” on it .
“This is one of the longest words in English.” He says .
All the students laugh and then one of the girls stands up and asks “Why is it one of the longest words in English?”
The teacher says nothing for a few seconds(秒). Then , he smiles and says“Because the word is a mile (英里)between the first letter and the last .”
(1)The holidays is coming . The students are happy .
(2)Only the students sing the songs.
(3)The teacher writes “laugh” on the blackboard .
(4)The teacher says “smiles” is one of the longest words in English .
(5)A boy asks the teacher a question .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)What day is it today?                                                       
(2)What are you good at?                                                      
(3)Is it far from your home to your school?                                        
(4)Do you jump higher than your father?                                          
(5)Whose nose is longer,the pig’s or the elephant’s?                                

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is       old photo      Benny’s family. There       four people in his family. They’re Mr White, Mrs White, their son Benny and their daughter Rose. The man        brown is Benny’s father. He is two years       than Benny’s mother. He       reading newspaper after lunch.      mother usually watches TV. Benny and Rose are twins. They look the same. Benny is      than Rose, and he is also      . They both like playing table tennis. They usually play table tennis on Sundays. Benny plays as      as Rose.
(1)A.the        B.an        C.a          D./
(2)A.of         B.with      C.for        D.to
(3)A.is         B.be        C.are        D.am
(4)A.in         B.on        C.with       D.of
(5)A.old        B.young     C.older       D.bigger
(6)A.like       B.usually    C.likes       D.want
(7)A.They       B.My        C.Them       D.His
(8)A.tall       B.short     C.taller      D.old
(9)A.heavy      B.heavyer   C.heavier    D.biger
(10)A. better    B.well      C.best       D.far

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知