首页 / 小学英语 / 试卷选题


( )(1)A.slowly     B.show      C.now    D .boatman
( )(2)A.farmer     B.card      C.park   D .warm
( )(3)A.Saturday   B.turkey   C.nurse  D .turn
( )(4)A.father     B.that     C.these  D .three
( )(5)A.grey       B.cross    C.grow   D .grass

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Can you _______(tell) me something about your study?
(2)They want _________(know) about a famous scientist .
(3)Listen to me ________ (careful) .
(4)You should _________( obey ) the class rules .
(5)The boy ______(watch) TV the whole evening every day .
(6)________(not) do it like that .
(7)I am very glad ________(read) your e-mail .
(8)Peter is interested in ________(play) football.
(9)The children always do _______(they) homework .
(10)The boys _______( play ) in the park now .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)He comes to school  e________ .
(2)He u________ goes to work by bike .
(3)We must take g______ care of young children.
(4)I have b_______ at 7:30.
(5)Students should obey the school r______.

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Please wait ________ me .
A.at      B .for       C .to

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My grandpa enjoys _______TV.

A.watching B.looking C.see D.watch
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Let’s _______ the song “Good morning”.

A.sing B.sings C.singing D.to sing
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What ________ his classmates _________ now ?
A.is , doing    B.are , doing   C.do , doing

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_________ a toy shop over there .

A.There is B.Is there C.There isn’t D.Are there
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  • 难度:未知

My father often ________ newspapers in the evening .
A.looks          B.sees           C.reads

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I can’t play ______ piano, but I can play _______ football .
A.the, /         B.the , the        C.a, the

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I go to school _______________ seven.
A.at to            B.at about        C.about at

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My mother is a teacher. What about __________?
A.your           B.yours          C.you

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The rabbit puts her sign _______ front of the hospital .
A.in         B.on         C.of

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Everyone ________ play football on the playground .
A.wants to        B. wants         C.want to

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We have classes _______8AM _______4PM.
A.at ,at       B. about, about    C.from, to

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Tom and I __________ now.
A.am doing my homework
B. are doing our homeworks
C.are doing our homework

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His group is making a list _____ rules ______ the class .
A.of , of          B.of , for          C.in , for

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We should learn English _______ our English teacher .
A.for       B.to         C.from

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Everyone ________ hobbies.

A.have B.has C.is D.are
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________ colourful picture it is!

A.How B.What C.What a D.How a
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These are ________ faces and those are _________.

A.animal, children
B.animals, children
C.animal’s, children’s
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Don’t make noise . The baby (婴儿) _______ sleeping .
A.be       B. is         C.are

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_______ you good ________ drawing ?

A.Do, at B.Do, for C.Are, for D.Are, at
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  • 难度:未知

He _______ never late for school .
A.be      B.is           C.are

  • 题型:未知
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Is your little sister getting up?
_____No, she ________ .

A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.don’t D.can’t
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Do you help you mum _______ the housework?

A.doing B.does C.with D.and
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You must wait ________ the green light .

A.in B.to C.for D.with
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Mary often goes to school _________ his father’s car .

A.with B.in C.on D.by
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   Every day I get up at half past six. I have breakfast at seven and then I go to school. I go to school on my bike. I don’t like to be late. Classes begin at eight. I have lunch in the middle of the day with my classmates at school. In the afternoon we play games and clean our classroom. I go home at five o’clock. We have supper at six. In the evening I watch TV with my parents. I go to bed at about ten o’clock.
(   ) (1)I go to school __________.
A.on bus     B.on my bike      C.on car     D. on jeep
(   ) (2)My classmates and I have lunch ___________.
A.at school   B.at home       C.at work    D. at a shop
(   ) (3)We play games ____________.
A.in the morning
B.at noon 
C.in the afternoon
D. in the evening
(   ) (4)We have supper ___________.
A.at six       B.at seven        C.at eight     D. at  ten
(   ) (5)__________ and I watch TV in the evening.
A.My sister                 B.My brother
C.My father and mother       D.My classmates

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In many English home people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon. And dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup. Then they have meat or fish with vegetables . After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper, and all these meals are very simple.
(   ) (1)Many English people have ___________ meals a day.
A.two      B.three       C.four     D. three or four
(   ) (2)People may have _______ for their breakfast .
A.tea and egg
B.porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee 
C.tea or coffee
D. bread and eggs
(   )(3)People have lunch at _________.
A.anytime    B.nine       C.five    D. one
(   )(4)People don’t have __________ for their dinner.
B.bananas and apples 
C.soup and meat
D.meat and fish
(   ) (5)In some English homes dinner can come________.
A.at one o’clock
B.at any time
C.at noon
D.in the evening

  • 题型:未知
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Sam and Pat are brothers. They are twins. They are in the same class. Sam works harder and studies better than his brother Pat. One day, the teacher asks the class to write a composition(作文). The name of it is “My mother”. Sam writes the composition and wants to give it to the teacher, but Pat says,“Sam, let me have a look.” Pat reads it and copies(抄) it.
The next day, the teacher asks Pat, “Why is your composition the same as (和…一样)Sam’s, Pat?”        “You know we have the same mother.”
(   ) (1)Sam and Pat are _________.
A.friends      B .classmates       C.twins       D. B&C
(   ) (2)Pat asks Sam to _________.
A.copy his composition
B .help him write the composition
C.give his composition to him
D. look at his composition
(   ) (3)The two brothers _____________ to the teacher.
A.together give one composition
B.give their own composition
C.each give a composition
D.don’t give any composition
(   ) (4)Pat’s answer to the teacher’s question is ___________.
A.nice      B .funny      C.OK      D.a good one
(   ) (5)Who studies better?
A .Sam.     B .Pat .     C. A&B.     D. We don’t know.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jim green    (1)  a lot of work after school . He wants to get money. He works in a supermarket after school every weekday (2)    all day  (3)  Saturday . After school every day, he   (4)  a bus to the supermarket. He (5)   there at about half past four. He cleans and washes    (6) , puts   (7) in bags. Jim   (8)  his  work . He works  (9)  4:30 to 6:30.  He goes home at 6:30.
He has supper and does his homework. He  (10)  often very tired, so he goes to the bed early.
(   ) (1)A.do       B.have        C.does       D.likes
(  ) (2)A.for      B.and         C. to        D.or
(   ) (3)A.at       B.of          C. on        D.in
(   ) (4)A.by      B.on          C. rides     D.takes
(   ) (5)A.gets     B.goes        C. gets to    D.goes to
(   ) (6)A.dishes   B.vegetables   C. clothes    D.hands
(   ) (7)A.them    B.it          C. they       D.ones
(   ) (8)A.likes    B.cooks       C. wants      D.does
(   ) (9)A.to      B.from        C. too        D.for
(   ) (10)A.like     B.look        C.is          D.be

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Peter:                 (1)                 
Linda : Sure . He usually works in the office in the morning.
He often works from 6:00 to 12:00 .             (2)         .
Peter :         (3)            ?
Linda : He usually goes on with his work .    Sometimes he meets other scientists .
Peter :             (4)              ?
Linda: No . He seldom goes shopping . He never eats out .
Peter :            (5)           !  We should learn from him .

(1)_______ (2)_______ (3)______ (4)_______ (5)________

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