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例:(C)What is she going to do?

(1)Which  backpack  is  she  going to buy?

(2)what should she do before she goes to bed?

(3)What is Bob going to make?

(4)What is he going to do?

(5)What should Amy do?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Tom      B.Sam     C. Mike
(1)Appearance:(   )

(2)Job ( )

(3)Time ( )
A .7:00 a.m一10:00 p. m.  
B. 7:00a.m一9:00  p. m
C. 7:00a.m.一11:00 p. m.

(5)Favourite food

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  • 难度:未知

(1)(  )   (2)(  )    (3)( ) (4)( )

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Clothes           B. Number          C. Animal
例1: T-shirt (A)   例2: tiger(B)     例3: f ive( C )
(1)fish( )
(2)Three( )
(3)Panda( )
(4)ten( )
(5)Parrot( )
(6)Sweater( )
(7)nine( )
(8)Skirt( )
(9)Pants( )

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A take pictures
B go cycling
C listen to music
D clean the car
E drive bumper cars
F study for a test!
G make the bed
H play the flute
I do art projects







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  • 难度:未知


Roy is a例.    B   .

One day, Roy  is ________.

Dad gives Roy some ________doesn't like it.

Mom gives Roy some water, but he doesn't want to ________.

Bob gives Roy a ________   ball,but he goes away.

Roy plays with his ________.He is excited.

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  • 难度:未知


A. The cat has a short tail
B. My mother has a big dog.
C. My grandpa is feeding his cat.

A. I am having a picnic with my brother.
B. My father is cooking dinner for us.
C. We are having breakfast in the kitchen.

A. The girl is listening to music in bed.
B. Mary likes to read stories before sleeping.
C. There are many books in Mary's bedroom.

A. The girl has long and straight hair.
B. Cathy often goes to an English club.
C. Cathy is clearing the table after supper.

A. Andy's finger hurts. He goes to the hospital.
B. Andy has a bad cold. He has to stay at home.
C. Andy can't play basketball because his leg hurts

A. It's a cold day. Peter is staying at home.
B. It's sunny today. Some boys are playing outside.
C. It's snowy. Peter and his friend are playing with snow.

A. Little Tom has a little pet cat. The cat is cute and smart.
B. The small dog has small ears and small eyes. It's friendly.
C. The boy and the dog are friends. They often play together.

A. Tom doesn't  like  drawing.  He never does it.
B. Tom is drawing now. He can draw very well.
C. Today is Tom's birthday. He gets a card from his friend.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


例.(   F  )

(1)( )

(2)(  )

(3)( )

(4)(  )

(5)(  )

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A lady goes into a shop one afternoon. She says to the salesclerk “Good afternoon. There is a green hat with red flowers and blue leaves on  it  in  your window. Will you please take it out  of there"?“

"Yes,madam,” the salesclerk says,"I'll be very happy to do that for you.
This is the most beautiful hat in my shop .It's eighty-five yuan.”
He gives the hat to the lady. The lady says,`` Oh,I don't want it. I only want you to take it out of your window. I pass your shop every day, and I don't want to see the ugly thing there.”
例:( C ) Who goes into a shop?
A. A man.
B. A boy.
C. A lady
(1)When does the lady go into a shop?
A. In the morning.
B. In the afternoon.
C. In the evening.
(2)What colour is the hat?
A. It's blue.
B. It's red.
C. It's green.
(3)How much is the hat?
A.¥85. 00
B.¥80. 00
C.¥65. 00
(4)What does the Lady think of the hat?
A. She thinks it is nice.
B. She thinks it is beautiful.
C. She thinks it is ugly.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Children in the US like K Day very much. K is for kites. March 7th is the day.  On that day, many children go out in the open air. They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Some are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string .

Children begin to run to let their kites up. They let out the string from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the sky. How nice they look!
(1)Which one is true?
A. On March 7th, children in the US often stay at home and make kites.
B. K Day is in May in the US. On that day, children fly their kites at school.
C. Children in the US like K Day very much. They often go out and fly kites on K Day.
(2)What is the best  name for the story?
A. Children's Day.
B. K Day.
C. Making a Kite.
(3)What is the word string in Chinese?
A.尾巴      B.丝带     C.线

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


例:(B )How  many  posters(海报)  can  you see?
A. Two.      B. Three.     C. Four.
(1)What are the posters about?
A. Concerts.    B. Movies.     C. Sports.
(2)What can you see in the cinema on Friday?
A. Harry Potter.  B. Kung Fu Panda.  C. Toy Story 2.
(3)Mary wants to watch Harry Potter. What present can she get?
A. One toy.  B. One toy panda   C. One book.
(4)You want to see Kung Fu Panda with your  parents.  How much should you pay?
A. 90 yuan.  B. 150 yuan.   C. 180 yuan.
(1)What are the posters about?
A. Concerts.    B. Movies.     C. Sports.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


*可以参考Word Box提供的词汇。

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  • 难度:未知